Hey, sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've just been busy with my new short story on my other blog, and other things. Anyway, I just thought it was cool that for this new year, we have a Blue moon coming. On New Year's eve, we will have a Blue moon, which comes around once in a Blue moon (heh heh...). A Blue moon is when there is a Full moon twice in one month, according to the current definition of the phrase. Although from what I understand, a real Blue moon was defined as an extra Full moon in a season. Because season's have three Full moon's, I guess when there was a fourth, they named the third in that season a Blue moon. Blue moon's these days come around once every two or three years, and a Blue moon that occurs twice in a year comes around four to five times every one hundred years. The last Blue moon was in May 2007. I think this is all cool, but I'm a sucker for full moons and blue moons and whatnot.
Anyway, don't worry, I will be posting again this New year's eve, so...Okay that's all I got for now.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
Welcome, to all of those insane enough to walk this blog!
As you might have noticed, this here blog is one big archive of the ramblings of an insane author. So insane, in fact, that I wouldn't be surprised if you went mad just reading said blog...Good luck ;)
I lied. This is not, in fact, a "directory" as the title above might suggest...This is merely a warning of what you might find on this blog. I believe I have already warned you of the insane ramblings archived in this blog, but I must say, if you are not prepared for the tomfooleries that can be found here, you might just want to close this tab, shut your computer down, and walk away slowly in order to keep your OWN sanity in check. Fair warning >;)
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Some gifts should never be gifts.
Have you ever gotten a gift that is just plain not meant to be a gift? Ever? We all know what I'm talking about. Like the over-sized granny-panties you get from sweet old grandma, or the bottle of wine that you gave to so-and-so, when really he/she is an alcoholic. Well, here's some advice for people who happen to gift like that:
Grannies: Your grandchildren love you, but they do not want underwear for Christmas. Ever. Unless they specifically ask for it. Also, they do not want socks. So instead of those things, why don't you talk to your children and ask them what the grandchildren want. If you have no idea what they are talking about ("my daughter wants an Ipod touch". People, grandparents don't understand what an Ipod touch is), then give the kid some money. You don't have to go all out and give them a hundred dollars or even fifty, twenty bucks should suffice. Also, you might as well just stay away from buying any clothing at all, sense kids these days only wear what their friends think are "cool", and sorry to say but grannies don't know what kids think are "cool".
The single uncle (we all have one): Do not rummage around in your car at the last minute for an old sticky gift card for a church shop, which consists of five bucks (which at a church store can't buy anything, literally). Instead, you can either slip some money in their ("their" being niece/nephew) card (no less than ten bucks, don't be a cheapskate), or you could ask for a wish list, or merely ask the parents what they want. Do not try to be all "cool" and give them something that is inappropriate for their age, instead buy them a video game or something, which is rated E for Everyone. Do not buy them a game like Grand Theft Auto, which is completely inappropriate.
For anyone buying a gift for a child and/or teenager: When in doubt, ask them what they want. They will ramble on and on about all the cool stuff they want, and if you memorize a few, you may just find something that's not five hundred dollars at the electronics shop. Also, if they ask specifically for a certain model or color for whatever item they wanted, you better remember what they said, because they will freak if they don't get their hot pink DS Lite. If you don't have the patience to sit around trying to understand their teenage language, just give them money. You're always safe when you give them money, especially if you're not cheap about it.
For grown-ups buying gifts for other grown-ups: Gift baskets are great, but you better check what's in them, because if there's something they don't like or are allergic to or something in the basket, that would be a sucky gift. Stay away from gifting alcohol of any kind, unless you know for sure that they're not alcoholic. Don't buy anyone books, unless you know exactly which book the person wants. Because books are very personal, and they say a lot about people's personalities. Some people like the sugar-coated love stories, and some people (like me) like to read the dark stuff, the stuff that doesn't necessarily have a good ending. Some people like fiction, and some people like real-life stories. The point is, if you buy someone a book that you love, it doesn't mean that the person you give it to will love it too, you know? So just stay away from buying people books. Well, okay if it's a gag gift kind of book, or you just happen to know that they love that series and do not have that particular volume, then by all means go ahead.
But only if you know for sure what they want.
The best advice I can give for holiday gift-giving, is to just think about things that your friends or family like, and buy them something that relates to whatever it is they enjoy. And if you don't really know what they like, give them something nice, something homemade, something from your heart. They will love it even if they don't like it, if you know what I mean.
Also, to any family or friends who are reading this: You don't have to pay attention to this advice, anything any of you give me I love, and I wouldn't want you to change the gift giving styles that you already have. They work, and I have no complaints on anything I've gotten this Christmas.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. Uncle and Aunt: thanks for the gift card to my favorite place on earth (well, at least one of them)!
To Uncle and Aunt in the big damn bus of a home: Thanks and I love you both, and hope to see you soon!
To Mum: Thanks for everything, you always know what I like!
To Dad: Thank you very much, I love everything you and Mum got me!
To Big bro: Thanks you little stinker, hope you enjoy what I got you as much as I enjoy what you got me!
To Nana: Thank you for the moola, now I can take that and the gift card I got and go on a paperback and/or hardbound shopping spree! Mmmm...Nothing better than the smell of paper, glue, and ink mixed in one magic little (or big) package.
To best friend (Mr. Whiskers): Thanks for everything, hope to see you again soon! Although you still owe me, ha ha.
To best friends mom who's like a second mom to me: Love ya, and hope everything with you works out okay! Keep your spirits up, we all need to hear you laugh!
To grandparents: Thanks, and Happy Christmas!
Grannies: Your grandchildren love you, but they do not want underwear for Christmas. Ever. Unless they specifically ask for it. Also, they do not want socks. So instead of those things, why don't you talk to your children and ask them what the grandchildren want. If you have no idea what they are talking about ("my daughter wants an Ipod touch". People, grandparents don't understand what an Ipod touch is), then give the kid some money. You don't have to go all out and give them a hundred dollars or even fifty, twenty bucks should suffice. Also, you might as well just stay away from buying any clothing at all, sense kids these days only wear what their friends think are "cool", and sorry to say but grannies don't know what kids think are "cool".
The single uncle (we all have one): Do not rummage around in your car at the last minute for an old sticky gift card for a church shop, which consists of five bucks (which at a church store can't buy anything, literally). Instead, you can either slip some money in their ("their" being niece/nephew) card (no less than ten bucks, don't be a cheapskate), or you could ask for a wish list, or merely ask the parents what they want. Do not try to be all "cool" and give them something that is inappropriate for their age, instead buy them a video game or something, which is rated E for Everyone. Do not buy them a game like Grand Theft Auto, which is completely inappropriate.
For anyone buying a gift for a child and/or teenager: When in doubt, ask them what they want. They will ramble on and on about all the cool stuff they want, and if you memorize a few, you may just find something that's not five hundred dollars at the electronics shop. Also, if they ask specifically for a certain model or color for whatever item they wanted, you better remember what they said, because they will freak if they don't get their hot pink DS Lite. If you don't have the patience to sit around trying to understand their teenage language, just give them money. You're always safe when you give them money, especially if you're not cheap about it.
For grown-ups buying gifts for other grown-ups: Gift baskets are great, but you better check what's in them, because if there's something they don't like or are allergic to or something in the basket, that would be a sucky gift. Stay away from gifting alcohol of any kind, unless you know for sure that they're not alcoholic. Don't buy anyone books, unless you know exactly which book the person wants. Because books are very personal, and they say a lot about people's personalities. Some people like the sugar-coated love stories, and some people (like me) like to read the dark stuff, the stuff that doesn't necessarily have a good ending. Some people like fiction, and some people like real-life stories. The point is, if you buy someone a book that you love, it doesn't mean that the person you give it to will love it too, you know? So just stay away from buying people books. Well, okay if it's a gag gift kind of book, or you just happen to know that they love that series and do not have that particular volume, then by all means go ahead.
But only if you know for sure what they want.
The best advice I can give for holiday gift-giving, is to just think about things that your friends or family like, and buy them something that relates to whatever it is they enjoy. And if you don't really know what they like, give them something nice, something homemade, something from your heart. They will love it even if they don't like it, if you know what I mean.
Also, to any family or friends who are reading this: You don't have to pay attention to this advice, anything any of you give me I love, and I wouldn't want you to change the gift giving styles that you already have. They work, and I have no complaints on anything I've gotten this Christmas.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. Uncle and Aunt: thanks for the gift card to my favorite place on earth (well, at least one of them)!
To Uncle and Aunt in the big damn bus of a home: Thanks and I love you both, and hope to see you soon!
To Mum: Thanks for everything, you always know what I like!
To Dad: Thank you very much, I love everything you and Mum got me!
To Big bro: Thanks you little stinker, hope you enjoy what I got you as much as I enjoy what you got me!
To Nana: Thank you for the moola, now I can take that and the gift card I got and go on a paperback and/or hardbound shopping spree! Mmmm...Nothing better than the smell of paper, glue, and ink mixed in one magic little (or big) package.
To best friend (Mr. Whiskers): Thanks for everything, hope to see you again soon! Although you still owe me, ha ha.
To best friends mom who's like a second mom to me: Love ya, and hope everything with you works out okay! Keep your spirits up, we all need to hear you laugh!
To grandparents: Thanks, and Happy Christmas!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Talking in his sleep
I'm about to go to bed after a long day of holiday stuffa (not a real word, I know), and I just remembered something funny my big bro did the other night. I know I've talked about him talking in his sleep before, so this is nothing new, but what he said this time was particularly hilarious.
Now, it was like, three-thirty or four AM, and I was still in bed with my book light on reading (it's a good book, and I don't get a lot of time to read lately), and all of the sudden I hear my brother talking. So a look up from my book and listen real carefully to hear what he's saying, and this is what I hear:
"*grunt* Can I have... *silence* Um...um....um...another water? *pause* Please?"
And no, I am not exaggerating the amount of "um"s. In fact, I actually cut a few out, because I didn't want to sound annoying. And even though it is a very quiet house here at night, and I knew that I could easily wake him up, I nearly burst into laughter right then, which would have ruined it, really. Because then he'd wake up and I wouldn't get a chance to see if he was going to say anything more.
So anyway, what was really funny about this was that before he said goodnight to me he was complaining that he was thirsty and saying that he was going to fill up a water bottle (the new metal kind) so he had it by his bed if he wanted more. So when I overheard him talking in his sleep, I almost thought that he might be talking to me. Then I realized, "why would he be talking to me, if he said he was going to get water before he went to sleep?" so I just ignored him and waited to see if he was going to talk again. I figured that if he was trying to talk to me, then he would speak up again if I didn't respond. Well, a few seconds of silence and I got my answer: he started snoring, therefore he was indeed asleep. And not the soft snore that's just like he's breathing heavily, but the snort kind where you end up waking yourself up. Only he didn't wake up to my knowledge.
Okay, so my big brother talking in his sleep may not sound very amusing to you, but I thought it was hilarious. Of course, that could just be because I was delirious from sleep deprivation, but whatever.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. Have you ever had such a horrible nightmare that you wake in the middle of it to find that your heart is hammering and you can't move? That happened a few nights ago, and when I could move after a few seconds, I was all sluggish and stuff. It was awful. Do you ever get really bad nightmares like that? If so leave a comment, then maybe I won't feel like a weirdo with sleep paralysis or something.
Now, it was like, three-thirty or four AM, and I was still in bed with my book light on reading (it's a good book, and I don't get a lot of time to read lately), and all of the sudden I hear my brother talking. So a look up from my book and listen real carefully to hear what he's saying, and this is what I hear:
"*grunt* Can I have... *silence* Um...um....um...another water? *pause* Please?"
And no, I am not exaggerating the amount of "um"s. In fact, I actually cut a few out, because I didn't want to sound annoying. And even though it is a very quiet house here at night, and I knew that I could easily wake him up, I nearly burst into laughter right then, which would have ruined it, really. Because then he'd wake up and I wouldn't get a chance to see if he was going to say anything more.
So anyway, what was really funny about this was that before he said goodnight to me he was complaining that he was thirsty and saying that he was going to fill up a water bottle (the new metal kind) so he had it by his bed if he wanted more. So when I overheard him talking in his sleep, I almost thought that he might be talking to me. Then I realized, "why would he be talking to me, if he said he was going to get water before he went to sleep?" so I just ignored him and waited to see if he was going to talk again. I figured that if he was trying to talk to me, then he would speak up again if I didn't respond. Well, a few seconds of silence and I got my answer: he started snoring, therefore he was indeed asleep. And not the soft snore that's just like he's breathing heavily, but the snort kind where you end up waking yourself up. Only he didn't wake up to my knowledge.
Okay, so my big brother talking in his sleep may not sound very amusing to you, but I thought it was hilarious. Of course, that could just be because I was delirious from sleep deprivation, but whatever.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. Have you ever had such a horrible nightmare that you wake in the middle of it to find that your heart is hammering and you can't move? That happened a few nights ago, and when I could move after a few seconds, I was all sluggish and stuff. It was awful. Do you ever get really bad nightmares like that? If so leave a comment, then maybe I won't feel like a weirdo with sleep paralysis or something.
Sleep paralysis,
sleep talking,
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
I really don't like Christmas. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like getting presents and seeing the excitement when the people I love are opening presents from me, blah blah blah, and I love Jesus and am happy he was born, but really. He wasn't even born till March, anyway. Yeah, Jesus was born in March, not December. So why do we celebrate his birth December twenty-fifth each year? Because it was convenient for us. Okay, so that's probably not true, but whatever.
And if you think about it, all Christmas is about is stupid gifts like underwear that you did not ever want from your crazy grandma, annoying cousins you don't even know sending you letters bragging about their "sweet Molly who got her braces this year", or their "handsome Tommy who's on the chess team".
And yes (what a surprise), I also do not like the stupid end-of-year letters you get from family members who you can't even remember how they are related. All they do is brag about how cool their lives are compared to yours. Either that, or they brag about how their life sucks more than yours. But either way, they all suck. My personal favorite letter goes something like this, "Merry Christmas! Oh yeah, my husband died sometime in July. Hope you're doing well!"
Yeah, that's just what we want to hear at Christmas time. That your husband died month's ago and you are just now telling people. Also, thank you for making us go out and buy a condolence card at Hallmark during the busiest time of the year. We really appreciate the thought it took to make one little card ruin our Christmas.
I'm beginning to think that we should just celebrate Jesus' birth in March, and completely ignore Christmas day altogether.
But I have to say, to all the people I love (Mum, Dad, Bro, Nana, grandparents, uncle, uncle and aunt, uncle and aunt, best friend, best friends mom who's like second mom, Daisy, Bosco and Joey): I love you all lot's, and am happy that you are going to be here today to brighten up our Christmas. I think I might have gone mad if I hadn't known that you all would be here for us to enjoy the fruits of our labor.
Happy Christmas, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. Yes I know today is the twenty-second, but that's when company could make it, so don't judge. Also, to Best Friend: Sorry you couldn't make it...But ha ha you have some serious kissing-up to do for not coming. Muahahahahaha!
And if you think about it, all Christmas is about is stupid gifts like underwear that you did not ever want from your crazy grandma, annoying cousins you don't even know sending you letters bragging about their "sweet Molly who got her braces this year", or their "handsome Tommy who's on the chess team".
And yes (what a surprise), I also do not like the stupid end-of-year letters you get from family members who you can't even remember how they are related. All they do is brag about how cool their lives are compared to yours. Either that, or they brag about how their life sucks more than yours. But either way, they all suck. My personal favorite letter goes something like this, "Merry Christmas! Oh yeah, my husband died sometime in July. Hope you're doing well!"
Yeah, that's just what we want to hear at Christmas time. That your husband died month's ago and you are just now telling people. Also, thank you for making us go out and buy a condolence card at Hallmark during the busiest time of the year. We really appreciate the thought it took to make one little card ruin our Christmas.
I'm beginning to think that we should just celebrate Jesus' birth in March, and completely ignore Christmas day altogether.
But I have to say, to all the people I love (Mum, Dad, Bro, Nana, grandparents, uncle, uncle and aunt, uncle and aunt, best friend, best friends mom who's like second mom, Daisy, Bosco and Joey): I love you all lot's, and am happy that you are going to be here today to brighten up our Christmas. I think I might have gone mad if I hadn't known that you all would be here for us to enjoy the fruits of our labor.
Happy Christmas, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. Yes I know today is the twenty-second, but that's when company could make it, so don't judge. Also, to Best Friend: Sorry you couldn't make it...But ha ha you have some serious kissing-up to do for not coming. Muahahahahaha!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Gamefaqs suck!
Okay, so I don't know if you've noticed, but when you use Gamefaqs to figure out how to do something in a game, you don't always get what you're looking for. For instance, when I was playing a Professor Layton game, and I couldn't figure out a certain puzzle, I went online and looked it up on Gamefaqs. Now, I know that Gamefaqs uses actual people who play the game to create the faqs, but come on. If you're going to post a faq about a game then you have to play the whole game, and you can't leave anything out of the faq. Because there were several puzzles in that game that were not in the faq, and once I saw that and found out that I would have to figure out the puzzle myself, it was super easy and I just can't see why it wouldn't be in the faq. I mean, really. If the person that made that faq couldn't figure out that puzzle, how smart could they really be? Not very, since I figured it out just fine, and it's not like I play game for a living, or even play games so much that I have the time to actually make awhole faq about said games. But whatever.
Anyway, I know this post is no fun whatsoever, but I just wanted to complain about Gamefaqs, 'cause they suck. So there.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
Anyway, I know this post is no fun whatsoever, but I just wanted to complain about Gamefaqs, 'cause they suck. So there.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
professor layton,
video games
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Good and bad ways to die
Okay, so I promised myself I would blog more often than this just so I have a whole pot-load of blogs by the end of the year, but it's been like, three days since I blogged last. And I just can't have that. I need to blog at least every other day (we'll see if I can actually pull that off though, since we have lots of company coming on the twenty second, plus we have more coming on Christmas day).
So anyway, I was just thinking about death (aren't I cheery? I am so into the joy of Christmas), and I just thought it would be kind of funny to blog about different ways you can die. I mean, for instance, dying naked would be a bad way to die, since it's pretty embarrassing to die in the nude. On the other hand, a good way to die would be something heroic, like getting hit by a car after shoving a complete stranger out of the way of said car. So here's a few good and bad ways to die, just for sh*ts (so I have an aversion to cursing, what of it?) and giggles (at least the ones I can think of right now):
Death by drowning is a bad way to die, because have you ever held your breath for as long as you could? It is unbearably uncomfortable.
Death by pulling off an awesome stunt involving water-skies and a helicopter, on the other hand, is a good way to die.
Death by electrocution, is a bad way to die. Have you ever gotten shocked while cleaning a TV screen? Try multiplying that to the point where it's deadly. Not something you want to do.
Okay, so I can't think of any good way to die involving electricity, because really. If you got hit by lightning, you would fry and it would be gross, and even if you saved someone or something by sacrificing yourself, you would still be fried and gross.
Death by being buried alive, is a horrible way to die. Not only do you get to suffocate to death slowly as the oxygen is used up, you also have to deal with the small, dark loneliness of the box or coffin or whatever you're buried in.
If you where buried alive without anyone knowing, and you were asleep and didn't even know you were buried yourself though, that wouldn't be quite as bad. As long as you didn't wake up and realize you were buried in the ground and not dead (yet).
Working to death, really bad way to die. I mean, working really hard is not fun as it is, but working till you literally die? Not my cup of tea.
Dying at work though, not so bad, especially if it's a job that helps people, like being a cop or something. Plus, your family will get money from your work depending on what you did for a living.
Death by murder, not a good way to die. Dying at the hands of someone you knew and perhaps loved, even worse.
Being murdered in the place of someone else, as they get away, that's a good way. What better way to die than to die saving another's life?
And the worst way to die? Alone.
The best way? For someone you love. Doesn't matter how.
I'll have to consult my friends and family to come up with their favorite best and worst ways to die. If I ask my Dad, he'll give me several pages worth of ridiculously funny and awful ways to die, so look forward to that, I suppose.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. My Dad thinks electrocution is hilarious, so expect at least one of his good or bad ways to die to include electricity in some way.
So anyway, I was just thinking about death (aren't I cheery? I am so into the joy of Christmas), and I just thought it would be kind of funny to blog about different ways you can die. I mean, for instance, dying naked would be a bad way to die, since it's pretty embarrassing to die in the nude. On the other hand, a good way to die would be something heroic, like getting hit by a car after shoving a complete stranger out of the way of said car. So here's a few good and bad ways to die, just for sh*ts (so I have an aversion to cursing, what of it?) and giggles (at least the ones I can think of right now):
Death by drowning is a bad way to die, because have you ever held your breath for as long as you could? It is unbearably uncomfortable.
Death by pulling off an awesome stunt involving water-skies and a helicopter, on the other hand, is a good way to die.
Death by electrocution, is a bad way to die. Have you ever gotten shocked while cleaning a TV screen? Try multiplying that to the point where it's deadly. Not something you want to do.
Okay, so I can't think of any good way to die involving electricity, because really. If you got hit by lightning, you would fry and it would be gross, and even if you saved someone or something by sacrificing yourself, you would still be fried and gross.
Death by being buried alive, is a horrible way to die. Not only do you get to suffocate to death slowly as the oxygen is used up, you also have to deal with the small, dark loneliness of the box or coffin or whatever you're buried in.
If you where buried alive without anyone knowing, and you were asleep and didn't even know you were buried yourself though, that wouldn't be quite as bad. As long as you didn't wake up and realize you were buried in the ground and not dead (yet).
Working to death, really bad way to die. I mean, working really hard is not fun as it is, but working till you literally die? Not my cup of tea.
Dying at work though, not so bad, especially if it's a job that helps people, like being a cop or something. Plus, your family will get money from your work depending on what you did for a living.
Death by murder, not a good way to die. Dying at the hands of someone you knew and perhaps loved, even worse.
Being murdered in the place of someone else, as they get away, that's a good way. What better way to die than to die saving another's life?
And the worst way to die? Alone.
The best way? For someone you love. Doesn't matter how.
I'll have to consult my friends and family to come up with their favorite best and worst ways to die. If I ask my Dad, he'll give me several pages worth of ridiculously funny and awful ways to die, so look forward to that, I suppose.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. My Dad thinks electrocution is hilarious, so expect at least one of his good or bad ways to die to include electricity in some way.
bad ways to die,
good ways to die,
water skies
Monday, December 14, 2009
This is the tale of the really long title, in which the title to the blog entitled "this is the tale of the really long title" is really quite long.
Okay, so I can't fit the whole title I wanted in, but here's the rest:
This is the tale of the really long title, in which the title to the blog entitled "this is the tale of the really long title" is really quite long, and makes you think, "wow, the title to the blog entitled 'this is the tale of the really long title' is really quite long", then you marvel at the sheer longevity of the title to the blog entitled "this is the tale of the really long title" and say, "that title to the blog entitled 'this is the tale of the really long title' is really quite long. I'd like to read that, for it is impressive how long a title to a blog entitled 'this is the tale of the really long title' can really be." It's a paradox of words, is it not?
Man, it would have been really cool if I could have fit all that in the title area...Oh well.
Anyway, don't you hate it when people's blog titles get really long and drawn out? I mean really, you can sum-up what is in a blog with just one or two words, so why does there have to be more words in the title that there are in the blog? I mean, if you are talking about how long blog titles are, and you need a title for the blog about long titles, you can just put, "really long titles" instead of making up a huge title like, "This is the tale of the really long title, in which the title to the blog entitled "this is the tale of the really long title" is really quite long". Oops, I made up that title. Okay, so the truth is that I love really long titles, and I use them any chance I get.
Anyway, just having a bit of fun here. Sometimes I get a tick-up-my-butt (so to speak) and I just need to ramble out a bunch of nonsense. Makes me feel better to stretch my writing skills out like that. Keeps me sane (-ish).
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
This is the tale of the really long title, in which the title to the blog entitled "this is the tale of the really long title" is really quite long, and makes you think, "wow, the title to the blog entitled 'this is the tale of the really long title' is really quite long", then you marvel at the sheer longevity of the title to the blog entitled "this is the tale of the really long title" and say, "that title to the blog entitled 'this is the tale of the really long title' is really quite long. I'd like to read that, for it is impressive how long a title to a blog entitled 'this is the tale of the really long title' can really be." It's a paradox of words, is it not?
Man, it would have been really cool if I could have fit all that in the title area...Oh well.
Anyway, don't you hate it when people's blog titles get really long and drawn out? I mean really, you can sum-up what is in a blog with just one or two words, so why does there have to be more words in the title that there are in the blog? I mean, if you are talking about how long blog titles are, and you need a title for the blog about long titles, you can just put, "really long titles" instead of making up a huge title like, "This is the tale of the really long title, in which the title to the blog entitled "this is the tale of the really long title" is really quite long". Oops, I made up that title. Okay, so the truth is that I love really long titles, and I use them any chance I get.
Anyway, just having a bit of fun here. Sometimes I get a tick-up-my-butt (so to speak) and I just need to ramble out a bunch of nonsense. Makes me feel better to stretch my writing skills out like that. Keeps me sane (-ish).
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Righty-tighty, lefty-loosy.
Alright, so not too long ago, I was blog-surfing and found a blog that had a post on it asking if you were right handed, or left, and I thought it was quite interesting. The subject, I mean. See, I'm one of those people who really pay attention to details like that. I look at peoples hands, and how they use them, and I look at peoples eyes before I really look at the rest of their face. And if you really pay attention to the small details like that, you can pretty much guess whether someone is right handed or left.
For instance, if you look at someone's hands, all you have to do is pay attention to the length of their nails to see which hand they use more. If their nails are long on the left side, they're most likely right handed, because their nails will be worn down slightly on the hand they use more. Or if you look at someone's handwriting, and their writing tilts slightly to the left, instead of the right like it's supposed to, they're most likely left handed. Or, if you see a callous (a rough spot or bump) on their middle finger (where a pen would rest when writing), then that's most likely the hand they use to write with.
I always thought that the hand a person uses more than the other says a lot about them, and it really is kind of useful to know. Which is why I have decided to do a poll on my blog asking if you're right handed, left handed, or ambidextrous. I'm ambidextrous, in case you were curious. Well, okay, I grew up mostly right handed, but a few years back I realized that I can do pretty much anything with my left hand as I could do with my right, including eating and writing. I find that very interesting, because my mom once told me that when I was little, I was left handed. I used my left hand to play and draw and stuff, not my right. But everyone in the family made such a big deal about me being left handed, that one day I just switched hands, and used my right hand ever since.
Just a few years ago (maybe three, if that), I was goofing off and decided to try and write with my left hand, instead of my right. At first it was kind of messy, because I wasn't quite sure how to hold my hand considering that I had only used my right hand all those years, but after a little practice, I got better. I'm still not quite as good with my left hand as I am with my right, but if I just slow down and not try to write as fast with my left as I do with my right, you can barely tell the difference from the two. Here's an example:
The top is obviously with my left hand, and the bottom is with my right. You can't really see much of a difference, except that the top one (the one with my left hand) is slightly bubblier (that does not sound like I word, ha ha), and by the thickness of the pen you could tell that I went slower when writing with my left hand, but other than that, they're pretty much the same.
Anyway, I'm curious to hear how many of you are right handed, and how many of you are left handed. Or even how many (if any) of you are ambidextrous. I can't see you, so I can't really use my methods to guess, but I am curious to know. So go ahead and vote at the bottom of my blog, where the poll is held. If you feel like it, of course.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. Sorry if this post came off as slightly scatter-brained, but that's because I am slightly scatter-brained. ADD, you know. Please vote!!!
For instance, if you look at someone's hands, all you have to do is pay attention to the length of their nails to see which hand they use more. If their nails are long on the left side, they're most likely right handed, because their nails will be worn down slightly on the hand they use more. Or if you look at someone's handwriting, and their writing tilts slightly to the left, instead of the right like it's supposed to, they're most likely left handed. Or, if you see a callous (a rough spot or bump) on their middle finger (where a pen would rest when writing), then that's most likely the hand they use to write with.
I always thought that the hand a person uses more than the other says a lot about them, and it really is kind of useful to know. Which is why I have decided to do a poll on my blog asking if you're right handed, left handed, or ambidextrous. I'm ambidextrous, in case you were curious. Well, okay, I grew up mostly right handed, but a few years back I realized that I can do pretty much anything with my left hand as I could do with my right, including eating and writing. I find that very interesting, because my mom once told me that when I was little, I was left handed. I used my left hand to play and draw and stuff, not my right. But everyone in the family made such a big deal about me being left handed, that one day I just switched hands, and used my right hand ever since.
Just a few years ago (maybe three, if that), I was goofing off and decided to try and write with my left hand, instead of my right. At first it was kind of messy, because I wasn't quite sure how to hold my hand considering that I had only used my right hand all those years, but after a little practice, I got better. I'm still not quite as good with my left hand as I am with my right, but if I just slow down and not try to write as fast with my left as I do with my right, you can barely tell the difference from the two. Here's an example:

Anyway, I'm curious to hear how many of you are right handed, and how many of you are left handed. Or even how many (if any) of you are ambidextrous. I can't see you, so I can't really use my methods to guess, but I am curious to know. So go ahead and vote at the bottom of my blog, where the poll is held. If you feel like it, of course.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. Sorry if this post came off as slightly scatter-brained, but that's because I am slightly scatter-brained. ADD, you know. Please vote!!!
left handed,
right handed,
Friday, December 11, 2009
Zelda alert, Zelda alert! Alright, so I wanted to do this blog on the eighth, but I got too busy so I'll just do it today instead.
Okay, so on the eighth, a new Zelda game came out for the DS called, "The legend of Zelda, Spirit Tracks". I, of course, had it on reserve, so I just went and picked it up. I have been playing it every chance I get since then, and I must say: it, is, awesome! Okay, so not everyone likes Zelda games, but I on the other hand, am a huge Zelda fan, and love playing the games. Not to brag or anything, but I'm also very good at playing the games. I mean, I beat the Twilight Princess game for the Wii all by my self (okay, so my Mum was there a lot of the time while I played, but still), and I didn't miss anything. I also beat the Zelda game for the gameboy advance (The legend of Zelda, the Minish Cap) like, ten times or something like that, and also the last game for the DS, The legend of Zelda, Phantom Hourglass.
...And I loved every one of them (what? I happen to love puzzle games, and Zelda is good for that)...
I also happen to have a really cool Zelda hat, Zelda wallet, and Zelda belt buckle. And no, that does not make me a total nerd (or does it?).
So anyway, when I finish it (hopefully soon, but with Christmas coming my allotted free-time is considerably shorter) I will be sure to put a small announcement saying that I did indeed finish the game. Okay, so that's it. Just wanted to vent some of my excitement at getting a new Zelda game.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. Did I happen to mention that so far the new game is totally awesome? No? Okay, the new game is totally awesome!!!
Okay, so on the eighth, a new Zelda game came out for the DS called, "The legend of Zelda, Spirit Tracks". I, of course, had it on reserve, so I just went and picked it up. I have been playing it every chance I get since then, and I must say: it, is, awesome! Okay, so not everyone likes Zelda games, but I on the other hand, am a huge Zelda fan, and love playing the games. Not to brag or anything, but I'm also very good at playing the games. I mean, I beat the Twilight Princess game for the Wii all by my self (okay, so my Mum was there a lot of the time while I played, but still), and I didn't miss anything. I also beat the Zelda game for the gameboy advance (The legend of Zelda, the Minish Cap) like, ten times or something like that, and also the last game for the DS, The legend of Zelda, Phantom Hourglass.
...And I loved every one of them (what? I happen to love puzzle games, and Zelda is good for that)...
I also happen to have a really cool Zelda hat, Zelda wallet, and Zelda belt buckle. And no, that does not make me a total nerd (or does it?).
So anyway, when I finish it (hopefully soon, but with Christmas coming my allotted free-time is considerably shorter) I will be sure to put a small announcement saying that I did indeed finish the game. Okay, so that's it. Just wanted to vent some of my excitement at getting a new Zelda game.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. Did I happen to mention that so far the new game is totally awesome? No? Okay, the new game is totally awesome!!!
minish cap,
phantom hourglass,
spirit tracks,
the legend of,
twilight princess,
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tribute to Glen Eugene Eudaly
This is in remembrance of my great-grandfather Glen Eudaly, who died December 10th 2005. We miss you Popa, and hope you are proud of what we have all made of our lives so far.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
No, I don't REALLY want a ball in my eye. Thank you.
Okay, so in the past (like, July this year) I made a post entitled, "Are you TRYING to poke my eye out?" (here's a link, so you can read it if you like), and it was all about a mascara that vibrates. This blog here that you are reading now, should be dubbed, "about mascara, again". Only this time, the mascara stick doesn't vibrate. No, it's just a ball this time, not nearly as menacing as a stick that vibrates near your eye. Or is it? I mean, just think about it: You are about to put a spherical object with tiny little brush-like tines, near your eye. Don't you think that the end result to this particular situation would be to, oh, I don't know...poke your eye with the ball trying to get all the eyelashes in one go, perhaps? Okay, so maybe I'm the only one who thinks that putting a ball-shaped mascara stick thingy (yes, thingy is not a word, but whatever) near your eye is a bad idea, but you have to admit, that is yet another ridiculous idea from the make-up companies. How do they come up with crap like that, anyway? I mean, don't you think that just a regular mascara stick works just fine? It doesn't miss any eyelashes when using it, and if it does, you can just move it over to the spot you missed and get it, am I right? But a ball wouldn't really do much good, now would it? It would only get a little bit of your eyelashes at a time, and therefore make you work harder and longer just to get all of your lashes coated in mascara. Am I right, or am I hallucinating? Because what if they had come out with a secret mascara that works like a hallucinogen, and makes you see things like, giant eyelashes or something, so you think your eyelashes are really long? They would probably do that, too. They would make a mascara that makes you think your eyelashes are really big, but really they're just the same as they were before. And what if I used it without knowing? What if everything I'm doing now is just a hallucination brought on by an allergic reaction to the mascara that I don't even remember using? What if what I'm typing now is merely a jumbled mess of letters, with no start or finish? What if what I just typed about the "no start or finish" does not make any sense at all? Or, what if what I'm typing now is merely a jumbled mess of letters, with no start or finish? What if I'm repeating myself over and over, and none of what I'm typing makes any sense? No, that's impossible. I'm not repeating myself. No, that's impossible.
Anyway, I for one, think that the new mascara's that the make-up companies are coming up with, are all ridiculous, and they should just stop before they create something really crazy, like a mascara that makes you think your eyelashes are really big, but really they're just the same as they were before. Wow, Déjà vu. Have I ever said anything like that before? Nah, probably not.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
Anyway, I for one, think that the new mascara's that the make-up companies are coming up with, are all ridiculous, and they should just stop before they create something really crazy, like a mascara that makes you think your eyelashes are really big, but really they're just the same as they were before. Wow, Déjà vu. Have I ever said anything like that before? Nah, probably not.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
mascara ball,
spherical mascara
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Ugh...Some people are just rude.
Evidently, my annoyance doesn't work on everybody. Okay, I guess I should explain a little: You see, I have made it a habit to randomly go to other peoples blogs and following them, and then leaving comments asking if they could check my blog out in return. I like to put a humorous twist on it, saying that I know that I'm annoying, and that I will continue to be annoying until they check out my blog, but I always keep it light. That doesn't sound unreasonable, does it? I don't know, because several other people who have seen these comments have actually decided to follow me, and they think I was funny, not annoying. But this one guy on (I won't drop names), Eoin Cannon's Sketchbook (oops, just did) was ignoring me for the longest time. So I decided to leave a comment saying something along the lines of, hey, how come you never answer my comments, do you not check them? In a joking way, and ending with, "Annoy ya later, Miss Eccentric."
Does that sound rude, or do you agree that it just sounds as if I'm joking? 'Cause he left a comment saying that he always checks his comments, and he wouldn't check my blog out because it had no relevance to his, and to stop commenting on his blog. I guess you could say he was being somewhat polite about it, but the way he punctuated it, it just sounded extremely rude and uncalled for. I don't understand, is he not a fan of humor? Does he not know how to take a joke? He could have just said something like, "Hey, I'm sure your blog is great, but I only like to follow blogs that have something to do with mine, so I won't be following yours, sorry", but no. Instead I get a nasty comment saying not to comment on this guys blog anymore. I don't get it at all.
So anyway, I just left a comment back saying, "Hey, no problem man. My annoyance doesn't work on everybody. But hey, at least I tried, right? I won't bug you anymore." And then unsubscribed from his blog.
That sounds reasonable, right? I wish I had the guts to tell this guy off. Instead I just sit here and blog about it like a coward...At least I know that if he had said something like that to a friend or family member of mine, I would have the guts to yell at this guy like a banshee on steroids ( I am very protective of the people I love, so don't mess with them unless you want to die a thousand painful deaths ending in a one-way trip to hell. See? Funny, right? Only I'm not joking about that...*insert evil grin, with one eyebrow raised menacingly*). I can take solace in that, if nothing else.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. If you are one of those people who have gotten an annoying comment from me, please comment and tell me if you thought I was being rude, I would like to know. Also, if you come across that guy's blog, do me a favor and don't follow him. He's just a big meany-poo.
Does that sound rude, or do you agree that it just sounds as if I'm joking? 'Cause he left a comment saying that he always checks his comments, and he wouldn't check my blog out because it had no relevance to his, and to stop commenting on his blog. I guess you could say he was being somewhat polite about it, but the way he punctuated it, it just sounded extremely rude and uncalled for. I don't understand, is he not a fan of humor? Does he not know how to take a joke? He could have just said something like, "Hey, I'm sure your blog is great, but I only like to follow blogs that have something to do with mine, so I won't be following yours, sorry", but no. Instead I get a nasty comment saying not to comment on this guys blog anymore. I don't get it at all.
So anyway, I just left a comment back saying, "Hey, no problem man. My annoyance doesn't work on everybody. But hey, at least I tried, right? I won't bug you anymore." And then unsubscribed from his blog.
That sounds reasonable, right? I wish I had the guts to tell this guy off. Instead I just sit here and blog about it like a coward...At least I know that if he had said something like that to a friend or family member of mine, I would have the guts to yell at this guy like a banshee on steroids ( I am very protective of the people I love, so don't mess with them unless you want to die a thousand painful deaths ending in a one-way trip to hell. See? Funny, right? Only I'm not joking about that...*insert evil grin, with one eyebrow raised menacingly*). I can take solace in that, if nothing else.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. If you are one of those people who have gotten an annoying comment from me, please comment and tell me if you thought I was being rude, I would like to know. Also, if you come across that guy's blog, do me a favor and don't follow him. He's just a big meany-poo.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
It's hard being a vegetarian...Hold the fish.
Okay, so I'm not a vegetarian, but my mom is. A few years back (wow, quite a while ago now that I think about it), my mom got sick from eating at a friend's (no longer a friend) house. It was like, the stomach flu or something, and she just couldn't eat anything but vegetable soup for the longest time. When she finally felt good enough to attempt to eat meat again, she got sick, again. She could no-longer digest the meat, turns out, because she's allergic to something in the meat (I don't pretend to know what exactly it is that she's allergic to). So ever since then she became a vegetarian, and can not eat any kind of meat again.
Now, back to the subject at hand: It's hard being a vegetarian. I mean (for instance), if you go somewhere out to eat, you have to check everything on the menu until you find something that says "vegetarian" or "vegi" in the name, and even then, you have to ask the waiter/waitress if that has chicken stock in it, or else you might get sick later because they forgot to warn you that even though they put "vegetarian" on the menu, they didn't actually mean vegetarian! And what if you want fast-food? Not that we usually eat fast-food much, because it's really not good for you, but what if we're in a rush and want a burger? Okay, so a lot of places have adopted the "vegi-burger" idea, but get this: You can buy a burger for one dollar at some places, but a vegi-burger is more like five to eight dollars, way more than the meat. Wait, there's more: Meat costs the fast-food companies more to buy than the veggies do. What?!?! That's right, veggies are cheaper to grow and therefore buy, but they are more expensive than meat once they're made into a burger. That does not make sense at all, does it? No. I don't get it...Veggies are easier to grow in large quantities than meat is to breed, but everywhere you go (whether it be out-to-eat, or in the grocery store), vegetables are high-priced, and meat not so much. It seems backwards to me. Or how about when you tell someone you are a vegetarian (this has happened several times to my mom, and still happens with strangers and certain family members), it always goes like this (we'll just call the person my mom is talking to in this instance Anonymous):
Anonymous: "So you don't eat any meat? What about fish?"
Mom: "I don't eat anything with a face."
Anonymous: "So you don't eat fish?"
Mom: "Do fish have faces?"
And yes, it actually goes like that. Exactly like that, several different times. It never ceases to amaze me when someone asks those exact questions, especially when it is a family member, multiple times. My dad's mother does that. Every time we see her, and we go out to eat or something, she always asks if my mom can eat fish, or cheese.
My moms answer: "Cheese does not have a face, so I can eat it. Fish does have a face, so I can't eat it."
And she never seems to get it...As does all the other anonymous people who ask the dreaded question, "What about fish?"...
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
Now, back to the subject at hand: It's hard being a vegetarian. I mean (for instance), if you go somewhere out to eat, you have to check everything on the menu until you find something that says "vegetarian" or "vegi" in the name, and even then, you have to ask the waiter/waitress if that has chicken stock in it, or else you might get sick later because they forgot to warn you that even though they put "vegetarian" on the menu, they didn't actually mean vegetarian! And what if you want fast-food? Not that we usually eat fast-food much, because it's really not good for you, but what if we're in a rush and want a burger? Okay, so a lot of places have adopted the "vegi-burger" idea, but get this: You can buy a burger for one dollar at some places, but a vegi-burger is more like five to eight dollars, way more than the meat. Wait, there's more: Meat costs the fast-food companies more to buy than the veggies do. What?!?! That's right, veggies are cheaper to grow and therefore buy, but they are more expensive than meat once they're made into a burger. That does not make sense at all, does it? No. I don't get it...Veggies are easier to grow in large quantities than meat is to breed, but everywhere you go (whether it be out-to-eat, or in the grocery store), vegetables are high-priced, and meat not so much. It seems backwards to me. Or how about when you tell someone you are a vegetarian (this has happened several times to my mom, and still happens with strangers and certain family members), it always goes like this (we'll just call the person my mom is talking to in this instance Anonymous):
Anonymous: "So you don't eat any meat? What about fish?"
Mom: "I don't eat anything with a face."
Anonymous: "So you don't eat fish?"
Mom: "Do fish have faces?"
And yes, it actually goes like that. Exactly like that, several different times. It never ceases to amaze me when someone asks those exact questions, especially when it is a family member, multiple times. My dad's mother does that. Every time we see her, and we go out to eat or something, she always asks if my mom can eat fish, or cheese.
My moms answer: "Cheese does not have a face, so I can eat it. Fish does have a face, so I can't eat it."
And she never seems to get it...As does all the other anonymous people who ask the dreaded question, "What about fish?"...
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
does it have a face,
hold the fish,
what about fish
Sunday, November 29, 2009
The question of all questions. Okay, so maybe just a good conversation starter.
Alright, I came upon this question years ago when watching one of my favorite shows. Here it is:
A building is on fire, and you have a chance to save either five strangers, or one sibling. Who do you save?
This question can say a lot about people, depending on what they answer. For instance, if someone who does not have a sibling answers "the five strangers", you can not really take their word for it, because they don't know what it is like to have a brother or sister, therefore they could not truly give an honest answer on the matter.
I have asked several people this question, and I usually get the same answer: Five strangers. I can't tell if this is because it is the right answer, or if they truly believe that the lives of five people versus one is more important in the long-run. I will be running a poll at the bottom of my page to see what you all think of this question. I ask that you tell the truth when answering, even if you think your answer may be "morally wrong". I will not be able to see who it was who voted, so there will be no judgment involved. Also, I am asking that if you select "loophole" in the poll, you leave a comment on this post describing the loophole you found. If I find it viable, I will post a comment back telling you so, if not, I will also post a comment telling you why that wouldn't work.
I love head-games, and this is one of my favorites. If you're smart, you can find a loophole in the wording, possibly saving the five strangers and the sibling.
Good luck, and blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
A building is on fire, and you have a chance to save either five strangers, or one sibling. Who do you save?
This question can say a lot about people, depending on what they answer. For instance, if someone who does not have a sibling answers "the five strangers", you can not really take their word for it, because they don't know what it is like to have a brother or sister, therefore they could not truly give an honest answer on the matter.
I have asked several people this question, and I usually get the same answer: Five strangers. I can't tell if this is because it is the right answer, or if they truly believe that the lives of five people versus one is more important in the long-run. I will be running a poll at the bottom of my page to see what you all think of this question. I ask that you tell the truth when answering, even if you think your answer may be "morally wrong". I will not be able to see who it was who voted, so there will be no judgment involved. Also, I am asking that if you select "loophole" in the poll, you leave a comment on this post describing the loophole you found. If I find it viable, I will post a comment back telling you so, if not, I will also post a comment telling you why that wouldn't work.
I love head-games, and this is one of my favorites. If you're smart, you can find a loophole in the wording, possibly saving the five strangers and the sibling.
Good luck, and blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
five strangers,
one sibling,
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Wife tries to kill husband
Okay, so I don't know if you saw this on the news a little while back (a week or two tops), but there was this woman who actually hired a man to kill her husband. Now, this might not sound very surprising, considering the fact that things like that happen all the time, but get this: The man she hired was an undercover cop. After she paid the cop to kill her husband, the police actually staged her husbands death, and then revealed to her that he was not dead after all. She acted like she hadn't known about hiring a man to kill him, and was all, "come here, please..." to her husband, crying and acting as though she loved him and was glad he wasn't dead. Turns out though, that she had tried to kill him another time as well: She put antifreeze in his drink once. I honestly do not get why on earth someone would do this. I mean, if she didn't want to be married to that man, then why didn't she just leave him? Or, why did she marry him in the first place? If I were this man, and my wife had tried to poison me with antifreeze, I would have left the crazy woman, after calling the police and having her arrested, of course.
Now, I was going to blog about this earlier (like when it first happened), but I got caught-up in the Thanksgiving crap and just didn't really feel like it at the time. But even though this is not a full post in which I get all worked up and paranoid, I just had to post something about this crazy woman. Thus, the short-and-to-the-point post.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
Now, I was going to blog about this earlier (like when it first happened), but I got caught-up in the Thanksgiving crap and just didn't really feel like it at the time. But even though this is not a full post in which I get all worked up and paranoid, I just had to post something about this crazy woman. Thus, the short-and-to-the-point post.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
crazy woman,
hire to kill,
undercover cop
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Guitar Hero
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Okay, so like, a week ago, we got the game Guitar Hero for the Wii. Now, I always thought that I would be really bad at it, because I played it at a game store once, and I sucked, but now that I've tried it again, I'm pretty good! Well, I suck sometimes, but I can play at least one song on Expert and get almost the whole thing done perfectly. That song would be "What I've Done" by Linkin Park, and I actually memorized how to play it. So anyway, I know this subject may not be fun, but I just wanted to announce that I have finally joined every other teenager in the world by learning how to play Guitar Hero, and now I understand the attraction. The only thing that gets to me about that game, is when the song stops, and you look away from the screen, the whole room moves. It's weird, and I guess I now know why the package says not to play it in case of Seizure. 'Cuase damn, that can make you dizzy and give you a killer headache.
Okay, that's it...
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. How was your Thanksgiving?
Okay, so like, a week ago, we got the game Guitar Hero for the Wii. Now, I always thought that I would be really bad at it, because I played it at a game store once, and I sucked, but now that I've tried it again, I'm pretty good! Well, I suck sometimes, but I can play at least one song on Expert and get almost the whole thing done perfectly. That song would be "What I've Done" by Linkin Park, and I actually memorized how to play it. So anyway, I know this subject may not be fun, but I just wanted to announce that I have finally joined every other teenager in the world by learning how to play Guitar Hero, and now I understand the attraction. The only thing that gets to me about that game, is when the song stops, and you look away from the screen, the whole room moves. It's weird, and I guess I now know why the package says not to play it in case of Seizure. 'Cuase damn, that can make you dizzy and give you a killer headache.
Okay, that's it...
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. How was your Thanksgiving?
guitar hero,
linkin park,
what i've done,
Friday, November 20, 2009
New Moon
Okay, so I just got back from seeing New Moon the movie a little bit ago, and I had to talk about it. When going into this movie, I was fully expecting to come back out with a head full of blog-able complaints, but I honestly can not think of any. This movie lived up to all my book-crazy-expectations of what I wanted, and I am pleasantly surprised. The last movie was somewhat disappointing in the fact that they left out several things that I would have wanted to see (for instance, when they have a blood-type test at their school, and Bella gets sick and Edward shows up to save the day, and he finds it so interesting that she can smell blood so well as a human. You would have to read it of course, to understand it fully, but I wanted to see that in the movie), but in this one, they did an extraordinarily good job keeping it true to the book. I could not find anything that I was disappointed about, except for maybe the audience, who screamed every time Edward walked into the room, and every time Jacob took off his shirt. That was a bit annoying, especially since I don't like Jacob at all, and can't stand all those team Jacob people. I mean, if they all had read the books and known what that Mutt had done, they might not be all team-Jacob-y (yeah, I know that is not a word in the slightest), would they? No. But whatever, they will all see that Edward wins in the next two movies. Anyway, I have created a poll at the bottom of my blog to see how you all feel about the movie, so don't forget to vote!
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
The written word is a dying thing...
Sadly, it's true. Yes, books are very popular with some people, but most people don't like to actually read a proper book bound with paper and ink and everything, they just want to see a movie, or use an electronic device to read with. They even made an electronic book that can hold thousands of books in it. Now, yeah, I guess the concept of having thousands of books available to you with the touch of a button sounds cool, but I'd rather have a huge library filled to the brim with thousands of books that I can hold in my hands, that I can touch, see, smell (yes, smell. Have you ever smelled a book before? They all have a unique paper and glue smell to them). And I love all of that, the feel of a brand new book, versus the feel of a worn book, the smell of the paper and glue in the pages, even the fact that you have to weigh down a paperback with a paper weight so the front page doesn't turn up. But not many people enjoy the simple pleasures of reading like I do anymore, especially people around my age group. The only people you see now days who really like reading are "nerds" (hey, not teasing, just saying. And you could say that I'm kind of nerdy myself), and even then, they most likely prefer the electronic stuff that they can use to read.
Now, I hope to some day become a published writer, so this aversion to books is not in my favor. What am I going to do if no one wants to read novels anymore? When all society wants is a shortcut through life, and books are not included in these shortcuts?
Maybe it's a conspiracy. And yeah, I know. You've heard this one from me a lot. The "Oh, no! It's a big conspiracy to take over the world and torture and kill us all!", thing, but hey. You never know. What if they are trying to kill the old ways of reading from a bound book? What if they want all of us to use electronics for everything? What if they want us to turn out like that movie Wall-E, where all the humans sit in their hovering chairs and talk to each other on big screen thingies even though their friends are right next to them? What if they want us all to be lazy blobs who don't pay attention to anything around us so we don't notice that they are taking over the world? Or, better yet: what if they are trying to brainwash us with their electronic crap so we will be robot zombies who do anything they want us to do, and then we have to listen to everything they say mindlessly, and then they will send us after all the people like me who like things like paper or hardbound or leather bound books and try to turn me to the dark side, and if I don't follow I get tortured and killed? That could happen, you know. Since I don't like all that electronic stuff they might just come after me and lock me up in a nasty holding cell and electrocute me until I either give in or go crazy or die! They would do that, too. Electrocute me, I mean. Because that would be perfect irony right there. I refuse to give in to the electronic zombie crap so they electrocute me to death.
...Irony...Don't you love it?
Crap, now that I think about it, they might just come after me if I post this blog...But I must get the word out there! I must tell everyone to resist the elec-
Wait, what was that? Sorry, I thought I heard something on the roof...
Anyway, I must tell everyone to resist the electronic lures that the-
Wow, I heard a crash in the kitchen, and foot steps...I think they're coming! I better finish the message!
Resist the electronic lures that the government has been casting out to catch us all! We must not give in, we must fight against the electronic zombie army that threatens to invade!!! Carry this message forward to the next person, and we can keep the written word alive...!
Blog ya later, Miss Ec............................................................
P.S. I also wanted to make a shout-out to my friend Henatay, who has followed my blog and has just the other day created his own blog, which I will be posting a link to on my sidebar. Hey Henatay! Thanks for following me, and good luck in the future with your blog! Crap, they found my hiding sp...............................
Now, I hope to some day become a published writer, so this aversion to books is not in my favor. What am I going to do if no one wants to read novels anymore? When all society wants is a shortcut through life, and books are not included in these shortcuts?
Maybe it's a conspiracy. And yeah, I know. You've heard this one from me a lot. The "Oh, no! It's a big conspiracy to take over the world and torture and kill us all!", thing, but hey. You never know. What if they are trying to kill the old ways of reading from a bound book? What if they want all of us to use electronics for everything? What if they want us to turn out like that movie Wall-E, where all the humans sit in their hovering chairs and talk to each other on big screen thingies even though their friends are right next to them? What if they want us all to be lazy blobs who don't pay attention to anything around us so we don't notice that they are taking over the world? Or, better yet: what if they are trying to brainwash us with their electronic crap so we will be robot zombies who do anything they want us to do, and then we have to listen to everything they say mindlessly, and then they will send us after all the people like me who like things like paper or hardbound or leather bound books and try to turn me to the dark side, and if I don't follow I get tortured and killed? That could happen, you know. Since I don't like all that electronic stuff they might just come after me and lock me up in a nasty holding cell and electrocute me until I either give in or go crazy or die! They would do that, too. Electrocute me, I mean. Because that would be perfect irony right there. I refuse to give in to the electronic zombie crap so they electrocute me to death.
...Irony...Don't you love it?
Crap, now that I think about it, they might just come after me if I post this blog...But I must get the word out there! I must tell everyone to resist the elec-
Wait, what was that? Sorry, I thought I heard something on the roof...
Anyway, I must tell everyone to resist the electronic lures that the-
Wow, I heard a crash in the kitchen, and foot steps...I think they're coming! I better finish the message!
Resist the electronic lures that the government has been casting out to catch us all! We must not give in, we must fight against the electronic zombie army that threatens to invade!!! Carry this message forward to the next person, and we can keep the written word alive...!
Blog ya later, Miss Ec............................................................
P.S. I also wanted to make a shout-out to my friend Henatay, who has followed my blog and has just the other day created his own blog, which I will be posting a link to on my sidebar. Hey Henatay! Thanks for following me, and good luck in the future with your blog! Crap, they found my hiding sp...............................
electronic zombies,
the message,
they're after me...,
written word
Monday, November 16, 2009
The human mind is a wonderful thing
See if you can understand this:
My Anut Mray snet me an eamil not too lnog ago, and tihs was in it. It siad taht the hmaun mnid dnseo't hvae to see the ceorcrt silneplg of a wrod to raed it, taht all you nedeed to do was to put the fsrit and lsat ltetres in a wrod in the rgiht pacle, and yuor mnid wlil raed it jsut fnie. Seiduts sohw taht olny 55 plepoe in 100 can raed tihs. If you can raed and usdnernatd tihs you hvae a sgtrane mnid as wlel as I.
Ins't taht cool? If you can usdnernatd tihs, vtoe YES at the btotom of my bolg.
If you can not understand any of this, vote NO at the bottom of my blog.
Bolg ya ltear, Msis Enicectrc.
My Anut Mray snet me an eamil not too lnog ago, and tihs was in it. It siad taht the hmaun mnid dnseo't hvae to see the ceorcrt silneplg of a wrod to raed it, taht all you nedeed to do was to put the fsrit and lsat ltetres in a wrod in the rgiht pacle, and yuor mnid wlil raed it jsut fnie. Seiduts sohw taht olny 55 plepoe in 100 can raed tihs. If you can raed and usdnernatd tihs you hvae a sgtrane mnid as wlel as I.
Ins't taht cool? If you can usdnernatd tihs, vtoe YES at the btotom of my bolg.
If you can not understand any of this, vote NO at the bottom of my blog.
Bolg ya ltear, Msis Enicectrc.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
A new beginning
Hello, just wanted to announce that I have made a new blog, just for my book reviews and whatnot. Here's a link, it's called The Power of the Word.
This blog was getting a bit on the cluttered side, so thought it would be cool if I could leave this blog for griping about stuff, and use the other one for book related things, which saves room on both. Please follow one or both of my blogs!
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. Don't forget to start checking both blogs for new stuff from M.E.!
This blog was getting a bit on the cluttered side, so thought it would be cool if I could leave this blog for griping about stuff, and use the other one for book related things, which saves room on both. Please follow one or both of my blogs!
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. Don't forget to start checking both blogs for new stuff from M.E.!
a new beginning,
new blog,
the power of the word
Friday, November 13, 2009
The Faerie Path
This is a book review of the book The Faerie Path by Frewin Jones. Sorry it took so long, but it is not the speed of my reading that is at fault here. There were at least four to five days where I didn't read at all (I got too busy, and by the time a got in bed I was too tired), and technically speaking, it only took me six days to finish this book. So here it is...
Warning: spoiler alert!
The Faerie Path starts out with a girl named Anita Palmer, and her boyfriend Evan. It's the eve of her sixteenth birthday, and Evan has taken Anita on a boat ride on the Thames to show her a surprise. Anita thinks he's going to confess his love for her, but she couldn't be more wrong. Evan gives Anita an amber necklace as a gift, and then says he needs to tell her something. But just then something goes terribly wrong: there's something in the water that is coming after them, and their boat crashes into a bridge. Anita wakes in the hospital, her head banged up, and Evan in the bed across the room from her. But Evan won't wake up, and the Doctors don't know why. They know it's not a comma, so the nurse just tells Anita that he'll be fine, and he could wake up at any moment. Anita's parents come by that night to give her an early present to cheer her up. They assume it's from Evan, because there is no return address, and when Anita opens it, it's a book. A big leather bound book, with blank pages inside. That night Anita wakes up late, and can't sleep. She looks at the book again to find writing in it, a story of a Faerie princess named Tania, the seventh daughter of the King of Faerie. This Princess Tania has a special gift: she can walk between the Mortal world and the world of Faerie, whereas no one else can. Anita's back begins to itch and burn, and she swears she can feel some kind of nubs back there, so she goes to the bathroom to check it out. When she gets in there the strangest thing happens: she sprouts Faerie wings and flies out the window, enjoying every moment of it. She wakes back up just as her wings give out, and she's on the bathroom floor with a nurse at her side. She thinks it was just a dream, so she doesn't worry too much. But things get stranger: she finds that her boyfriend Evan disappeared the next day, and next thing she knows a strange man is calling out to her. She follows the strange voice, and finds him on a balcony. She reaches for his hand, and-
She lands in a strange new world. The world of Faerie. This man tells her that she is the missing Princess Tania, and that she has been gone for five hundred years. Upon her return the King of Faerie is so pleased that he lifts the spell that has been cast on their land and that left it in eternal darkness, and the land is once more lit by the sunshine of daylight. The whole of Faerie goes into celebration and Anita gets to meet her sisters: at least, five of them. The last one, Eden, banished herself to a tower after their mother, the Queen, died in a drowning accident, and she hasn't come out since. At first Anita believes this all to be a wonderful dream, fabricated from the story she read in the book. But that soon changes, and after she sees the memorial of her mother (the Queen, who looks just like Anita), she finally realizes that everything is true: she is Princess Tania of Faerie. Everything goes all haywire from there: Gabriel (the strange man who "rescued" her from the Mortal world) was once her fiance, and is trying to woo her once more, Evan (her boyfriend) is actually Edric, Gabriel's servant (who was sent to the Mortal world by his master to retrieve her), tricked her and she is now angry with him, and Tania misses her family back in the Mortal world. She wants to go back, just once, so she can say goodbye, but she doesn't know how to work her strange new powers. She tries to ask for help from Gabriel, but he makes it very clear that he does not want her going back to that place, and has even revealed that the necklace Evan (or Edric) gave her as a gift was actually from him, and that it was a sort of tracking device, therefore she couldn't go without him knowing. Tania decides to go to her sister Eden, the one locked up in the tower, because she was said to be very skilled in the Mystic Arts, the Faerie's word for "magic". Eden does not help her though, instead throwing her out of her tower quite rudely and slamming the door behind her. Next Tania is betrayed by her sister Rathina (whom she thought was a good friend), who leads her into a trap by Edric, who desperately needs to speak with her. She has no other choice but to hear out the man who broke her heart, and is very surprised indeed to hear that when Gabriel sent him to the Mortal world it was to lure her in, but he fell in love with her in the process, and tried to save her from Gabriel. See, Gabriel had one thing on his mind, and one thing only: power. And to get it he set up a plan to marry Tania and use her power to walk between worlds so he could kill the King and take over. But as the truth hits Tania, Gabriel shows up and imprisons Edric in an eternal and unbreakable prison, telling Tania that he is a liar and locking her up in her own room with Rathina. Rathina confesses to having told Gabriel about Edric and her's little meeting, and claims she did not know what he intended to do. She then tries to convince Tania to just do her duty and marry Gabriel, but Tania has a plan to save Edric: she will go to the Mortal world and get the most deadly thing for Faeries, Isenmort, or more commonly known as metal, and break him out of prison. But to do this she needs to control her power. Just when she is about to give up on trying to walk between worlds, she makes it, and finds what she is looking for: a metal sword. But for some reason she can't take it with her back to Faerie, and she gets caught by a security guard in the Mortal world as she is trying to figure out how to take it with her. She runs away from the guard and is rescued at the last second by her sister Eden, who created a powerful portal between the world of Faerie and the Mortal one. As she dove through the portal, Tania realized that the sword had come with her. She and Eden set off into the dungeons to find Edric, Eden waiting outside the gate as a lookout, and Tania going on ahead by herself with her hand wrapped in cloth to protect her from the deadly weapon in her hand. She finally finds Edric, and breaks the spell with a swing of her sword, and helps him out of the dungeons. When they finally make it out (Edric leaning heavily on her for support) they find that Eden has gone, and Rathina is there instead. She helps them back to Eden's tower, but wait a sec, it's not her tower at all, it's the big room Gabriel showed Tania in a vision of a traditional wedding ceremony. Rathina locks Tania and Edric in (betraying her once more), and Tania finds Gabriel at the alter, waiting to be wed. Tania hears a voice (her mother, she realizes), and it reminds her of the poem in her book, the one talking about how she can walk both worlds, and a plan forms in her mind. She goes along with the first part of the ceremony, the hand fasting, and tries to walk between the worlds with Gabriel. But he can't go with her, and she is victorious. See, the poem says she can walk both worlds with her true love in hand, and Gabriel does not truly love her, therefore he can not walk with her. She goes back to the Faerie world to find Gabriel in a rage. He comes after her and is about to imprison her in the same prison as Edric was in, but just then Oberon (her father the King) and Eden show up to save her. Eden had run off to retrieve their father from his trip, and he had come immediately. Gabriel is banished for eternity from their land, and the Kingdom is saved, except for one thing: Eden confessed earlier on that she had killed their mother, that the Queen had begged her for help to get to the Mortal world, and had never come back after going through the portal. But Tania believes her to be alive still, for she did not know who had sent her the book yet, and after all, hadn't she been reincarnated after she died upon coming into the Mortal world five hundred years ago? Why couldn't that have happened with her mother as well? So she decides to go looking in the Mortal world for her lost mother, making Edric believe she is going alone. But just as she's about to disappear, she grabs hold of Edric's hand and brings him with her, proving that their love is true.
The story basically ends there, leaving out all the little details, of course. Frewin Jones did a great job with this story. It is a good mix of love, adventure, and fantasy, all of which I dearly love to read about. If I had to compare this to something, I would have to say maybe something like Tithe, by Holly Black, because of the secret world of Faerie that is concealed from the main characters, who find out later that they are part of that world. Only this is not as dark, for sure. I give this book four stars for the quality of writing, four for the originality of the story line (or "plot"), and three for the speed in which I read it. Overall a three star read, and quite enjoyable, really. I'm pretty sure I'll be buying the sequels to this book.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
Warning: spoiler alert!
The Faerie Path starts out with a girl named Anita Palmer, and her boyfriend Evan. It's the eve of her sixteenth birthday, and Evan has taken Anita on a boat ride on the Thames to show her a surprise. Anita thinks he's going to confess his love for her, but she couldn't be more wrong. Evan gives Anita an amber necklace as a gift, and then says he needs to tell her something. But just then something goes terribly wrong: there's something in the water that is coming after them, and their boat crashes into a bridge. Anita wakes in the hospital, her head banged up, and Evan in the bed across the room from her. But Evan won't wake up, and the Doctors don't know why. They know it's not a comma, so the nurse just tells Anita that he'll be fine, and he could wake up at any moment. Anita's parents come by that night to give her an early present to cheer her up. They assume it's from Evan, because there is no return address, and when Anita opens it, it's a book. A big leather bound book, with blank pages inside. That night Anita wakes up late, and can't sleep. She looks at the book again to find writing in it, a story of a Faerie princess named Tania, the seventh daughter of the King of Faerie. This Princess Tania has a special gift: she can walk between the Mortal world and the world of Faerie, whereas no one else can. Anita's back begins to itch and burn, and she swears she can feel some kind of nubs back there, so she goes to the bathroom to check it out. When she gets in there the strangest thing happens: she sprouts Faerie wings and flies out the window, enjoying every moment of it. She wakes back up just as her wings give out, and she's on the bathroom floor with a nurse at her side. She thinks it was just a dream, so she doesn't worry too much. But things get stranger: she finds that her boyfriend Evan disappeared the next day, and next thing she knows a strange man is calling out to her. She follows the strange voice, and finds him on a balcony. She reaches for his hand, and-
She lands in a strange new world. The world of Faerie. This man tells her that she is the missing Princess Tania, and that she has been gone for five hundred years. Upon her return the King of Faerie is so pleased that he lifts the spell that has been cast on their land and that left it in eternal darkness, and the land is once more lit by the sunshine of daylight. The whole of Faerie goes into celebration and Anita gets to meet her sisters: at least, five of them. The last one, Eden, banished herself to a tower after their mother, the Queen, died in a drowning accident, and she hasn't come out since. At first Anita believes this all to be a wonderful dream, fabricated from the story she read in the book. But that soon changes, and after she sees the memorial of her mother (the Queen, who looks just like Anita), she finally realizes that everything is true: she is Princess Tania of Faerie. Everything goes all haywire from there: Gabriel (the strange man who "rescued" her from the Mortal world) was once her fiance, and is trying to woo her once more, Evan (her boyfriend) is actually Edric, Gabriel's servant (who was sent to the Mortal world by his master to retrieve her), tricked her and she is now angry with him, and Tania misses her family back in the Mortal world. She wants to go back, just once, so she can say goodbye, but she doesn't know how to work her strange new powers. She tries to ask for help from Gabriel, but he makes it very clear that he does not want her going back to that place, and has even revealed that the necklace Evan (or Edric) gave her as a gift was actually from him, and that it was a sort of tracking device, therefore she couldn't go without him knowing. Tania decides to go to her sister Eden, the one locked up in the tower, because she was said to be very skilled in the Mystic Arts, the Faerie's word for "magic". Eden does not help her though, instead throwing her out of her tower quite rudely and slamming the door behind her. Next Tania is betrayed by her sister Rathina (whom she thought was a good friend), who leads her into a trap by Edric, who desperately needs to speak with her. She has no other choice but to hear out the man who broke her heart, and is very surprised indeed to hear that when Gabriel sent him to the Mortal world it was to lure her in, but he fell in love with her in the process, and tried to save her from Gabriel. See, Gabriel had one thing on his mind, and one thing only: power. And to get it he set up a plan to marry Tania and use her power to walk between worlds so he could kill the King and take over. But as the truth hits Tania, Gabriel shows up and imprisons Edric in an eternal and unbreakable prison, telling Tania that he is a liar and locking her up in her own room with Rathina. Rathina confesses to having told Gabriel about Edric and her's little meeting, and claims she did not know what he intended to do. She then tries to convince Tania to just do her duty and marry Gabriel, but Tania has a plan to save Edric: she will go to the Mortal world and get the most deadly thing for Faeries, Isenmort, or more commonly known as metal, and break him out of prison. But to do this she needs to control her power. Just when she is about to give up on trying to walk between worlds, she makes it, and finds what she is looking for: a metal sword. But for some reason she can't take it with her back to Faerie, and she gets caught by a security guard in the Mortal world as she is trying to figure out how to take it with her. She runs away from the guard and is rescued at the last second by her sister Eden, who created a powerful portal between the world of Faerie and the Mortal one. As she dove through the portal, Tania realized that the sword had come with her. She and Eden set off into the dungeons to find Edric, Eden waiting outside the gate as a lookout, and Tania going on ahead by herself with her hand wrapped in cloth to protect her from the deadly weapon in her hand. She finally finds Edric, and breaks the spell with a swing of her sword, and helps him out of the dungeons. When they finally make it out (Edric leaning heavily on her for support) they find that Eden has gone, and Rathina is there instead. She helps them back to Eden's tower, but wait a sec, it's not her tower at all, it's the big room Gabriel showed Tania in a vision of a traditional wedding ceremony. Rathina locks Tania and Edric in (betraying her once more), and Tania finds Gabriel at the alter, waiting to be wed. Tania hears a voice (her mother, she realizes), and it reminds her of the poem in her book, the one talking about how she can walk both worlds, and a plan forms in her mind. She goes along with the first part of the ceremony, the hand fasting, and tries to walk between the worlds with Gabriel. But he can't go with her, and she is victorious. See, the poem says she can walk both worlds with her true love in hand, and Gabriel does not truly love her, therefore he can not walk with her. She goes back to the Faerie world to find Gabriel in a rage. He comes after her and is about to imprison her in the same prison as Edric was in, but just then Oberon (her father the King) and Eden show up to save her. Eden had run off to retrieve their father from his trip, and he had come immediately. Gabriel is banished for eternity from their land, and the Kingdom is saved, except for one thing: Eden confessed earlier on that she had killed their mother, that the Queen had begged her for help to get to the Mortal world, and had never come back after going through the portal. But Tania believes her to be alive still, for she did not know who had sent her the book yet, and after all, hadn't she been reincarnated after she died upon coming into the Mortal world five hundred years ago? Why couldn't that have happened with her mother as well? So she decides to go looking in the Mortal world for her lost mother, making Edric believe she is going alone. But just as she's about to disappear, she grabs hold of Edric's hand and brings him with her, proving that their love is true.
The story basically ends there, leaving out all the little details, of course. Frewin Jones did a great job with this story. It is a good mix of love, adventure, and fantasy, all of which I dearly love to read about. If I had to compare this to something, I would have to say maybe something like Tithe, by Holly Black, because of the secret world of Faerie that is concealed from the main characters, who find out later that they are part of that world. Only this is not as dark, for sure. I give this book four stars for the quality of writing, four for the originality of the story line (or "plot"), and three for the speed in which I read it. Overall a three star read, and quite enjoyable, really. I'm pretty sure I'll be buying the sequels to this book.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
book review,
Frewin Jones,
The Faerie Path,
three stars
Friday, November 6, 2009
Eating Bones
Alright, so I know this might sound kind of like it is coming out of nowhere, and if so, you're right. Well, maybe not nowhere, but close. We just bought Bones season four, so that's what got me thinking of this. "This" being that every time we watch the show Bones, we are always eating. Now, I don't know if you have watched or even heard of this show, but if you have, you would know that it can be kind of gruesome at times. Well, it is a show about a Forensic Anthropologist who helps an FBI Agent solve murders, but whatever. Anyway, we don't know why we do this, but it has become a tradition in our house to have something to eat every time we watch Bones. And if you think about that, that's kind of gross. 'Cause we're watching Temperance (the main character) examine dead bodies, and some of them (hell, most of them) are all slimy and gruesome, and not very appetizing. And yeah, it's all fake, but really. Isn't it kind of weird that we sit there eating while they show dead bodies on the TV? Even if they're fake? Ugh, we're all going to need therapy some day...Anyway, on another note: I wonder when Bones is coming back on? I miss it...Also, when is House coming back? I heard it was going to be like, this next Monday, but I don't know. I hope it is. 'Cause I love that show.
Okay, so I know this post is not very exciting or funny, but that's because I couldn't think of anything else to write about. You know what? I think I'm just going to have to read the news and see what I can think up. Maybe then I'll have an exceptional blog post once more...
Blog ya later (hopefully), Miss Eccentric.
Okay, so I know this post is not very exciting or funny, but that's because I couldn't think of anything else to write about. You know what? I think I'm just going to have to read the news and see what I can think up. Maybe then I'll have an exceptional blog post once more...
Blog ya later (hopefully), Miss Eccentric.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
African crack creates ocean!
Okay, so the ocean hasn't arrived yet, but scientists say "A 35-mile rift in the desert of Ethiopia will likely become a new ocean eventually". Yeah, eventually. This "crack" or "rift" was opened in 2005, by a volcano erupting and ripping open the crack. They say that the process that is undergoing to open this rift is nearly identical to what goes on at the bottom of oceans, therefore Africa has a new ocean in it's future. Now, I don't know about you, but this sounds quite strange to me. I mean, I'm no scientist, but if there is going to be a whole new ocean in our future, doesn't that contradict the whole "global warming" thing? I mean, think about it: If there is going to be a ocean in the barren lands of Africa, where it is hot as hell, then wouldn't that cool the place down? At least the region close to the ocean? And if so, wouldn't that be a good thing? Also, does that mean that global warming is a load of crap? Because if a whole new ocean can be added on to our world to help cool it, doesn't that mean that Mother Nature has a handle on this, and that our earth can take care of itself, and prevent something like global warming without us freaking-out?
Ugh...This is pissing me off...
Okay, so according to scientists, the world will warm, then a new ocean will appear, but then because of the warming, there will be a new ice-age, which will freeze the new ocean? Wait, no. That can't be right, it doesn't make any sense...Maybe it starts with the new ocean, then the global warming will evaporate all the water in said ocean, then the water will rain down from the clouds, then it will cool us down too much and create an ice-age. There, that sounds reasonable, right? Hey, I should be a scientist, I'm smarter than all of them. I mean, no one else has made the connection that I have.
...Or have they...?
Maybe they're trying to keep this from us on purpose, maybe they want to keep this all to themselves, so they can be prepared while we aren't! Maybe they'll make a whole enclosed community for themselves that can resist hot weather, rain and ice! Maybe they'll just leave us out here to melt, and then be frozen into little people puddles, and then they can come out and scoop us up and use us as food, or fertilizer! That way they can rule the world! And who knows, maybe they have a machine that can work as a giant heater so they can melt the ice-age away, and then they have the whole world to themselves! Oh!!! Or maybe they have a machine that can create oceans, and another one that can create global warming, and then another one that can make evaporated water turn into rain and snow, and therefore a new ice-age! That's it!!! The scientists of the world are all evil! All they want to do is freeze us all with their fancy machines and take over the world for themselves!!!
...Or maybe I'm just too paranoid...
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
Ugh...This is pissing me off...
Okay, so according to scientists, the world will warm, then a new ocean will appear, but then because of the warming, there will be a new ice-age, which will freeze the new ocean? Wait, no. That can't be right, it doesn't make any sense...Maybe it starts with the new ocean, then the global warming will evaporate all the water in said ocean, then the water will rain down from the clouds, then it will cool us down too much and create an ice-age. There, that sounds reasonable, right? Hey, I should be a scientist, I'm smarter than all of them. I mean, no one else has made the connection that I have.
...Or have they...?
Maybe they're trying to keep this from us on purpose, maybe they want to keep this all to themselves, so they can be prepared while we aren't! Maybe they'll make a whole enclosed community for themselves that can resist hot weather, rain and ice! Maybe they'll just leave us out here to melt, and then be frozen into little people puddles, and then they can come out and scoop us up and use us as food, or fertilizer! That way they can rule the world! And who knows, maybe they have a machine that can work as a giant heater so they can melt the ice-age away, and then they have the whole world to themselves! Oh!!! Or maybe they have a machine that can create oceans, and another one that can create global warming, and then another one that can make evaporated water turn into rain and snow, and therefore a new ice-age! That's it!!! The scientists of the world are all evil! All they want to do is freeze us all with their fancy machines and take over the world for themselves!!!
...Or maybe I'm just too paranoid...
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The Summoning
This is a book review for the book The Summoning, by Kelley Armstrong. I really finished this book the day before Halloween (the 30th), but I didn't really have enough time to write a review for it then, so I just put it off till today. Hell, I didn't even get to start a new book when I was done with the last one. But I'll get to start a new one today, which will be fun. So anyway, here we go...
Warning: spoiler alert!
So the story starts off with a girl named Chloe Saunders. She is just a little girl in the beginning, and she sees people in her basement, and they scare her. Her mom said that she wouldn't have to go in the basement anymore, but when she hears her babysitter calling her into the basement, she knows she has to go. So she reluctantly goes into the basement to find her babysitter, only to find out that it was not her babysitter who was calling her down there. It was an evil spirit that she is terrified of. The story trails off into the next chapter here, and she's fifteen, in her bed, and that had all been a nightmare. She shakes it off and goes to school, only things are different, weird. On the way to school she sees a man go in the middle of the street, only the man who was driving her to school didn't see anything. When she gets to school, she thinks this is just another day, but is very surprised when she finally and unexpectedly hits puberty (she starts her period, if you must know). While she's in the bathroom, she hears things: a girl crying in the next stall. But there is no one there. When she exits the bathroom, a man in a custodian's uniform calls her to him. But his face is all wrong, burned looking and gruesome. The man chases her around the school, shouting that he just wants to talk, but she's scared and keeps running, even when she hears a teacher yelling at her to stop. She finds herself at a dead end, with nowhere else to go. She opens a window, but realizes that she is too high up to jump out. Just then the principal catches up to her and sees her by the window. He thinks she is going to jump, and a teacher decides to tackle her down, so she can't jump. She squirms and lashes out at the teacher, because the man with the burnt face is there, in her face, yelling that he just wants to talk, and the teacher holds her down until an ambulance arrives and sedates her. She wakes up in the hospital, where her aunt is waiting for her to wake. Her mother died when she was little, so her aunt was like a mother to her. Her aunt proceeds to tell her that the school has ordered her to get help, and that she will be staying at Lyle House, a group home for troubled teens, for two weeks. Once there, the Psychiatrist who is a evaluating her decides that she is Schizophrenic, and needs to take medication to treat it. But weird things are happening at Lyle House: her roommate thinks she has a poltergeist, and when Chloe tries to tell her that she can't really see ghosts (Liz wanted her to get rid of her poltergeist for her), she gets angry and things start falling and being thrown all around her, without Liz even moving a muscle. Liz gets "transferred" that night, because the nurse in the home caught her "throwing" things. But her roommate Liz isn't the only weird thing going on in Lyle House: there are two brothers who aren't blood related, one was there because of a violent incident in which he protected his brother, and the other didn't even have a file, was only there to be with his brother. There was a girl named Tori who had dangerous mood-swings and tries to kill Chloe, and also a girl named Rae who claimed the ability to burn people with her bare hands. Chloe at first is convinced that she is Schizophrenic, but Derek (the brother with the violent background) lets her in on the supernatural world, and she learns that she is a Necromancer, someone who can communicate with, and raise the dead. Simon (the other brother) wants to run away to find his missing father, but doesn't want to leave his brother Derek alone, and Chloe convinces him that she and Rae would run away with him, and Derek would join them later if he were to be in danger, so they scout-out a plan to escape. But something is wrong with Derek: he wasn't there when the big escape arrives. So Chloe instructs Simon and Rae to go without her, and that she would meet up with them once she finds Derek and makes sure he's alright. But when she finds him, he's squirming on the ground and changing in ways she thought not possible. He is a werewolf. They finally make their escape, but things get even weirder: the nurses from Lyle House are after them, and shooting at them with tranquilizer guns. Chloe from then-on-out is separated from the brothers, betrayed by someone she loved, and captured by the strange people of Lyle House, and has to call the help of a friend she hoped she was wrong about: her old roommate Liz, who is dead. The story ends there, the perfect cliff-hanger. What I want to know, is how did Liz die exactly? Or better-yet, why was she killed? What happened to Derek and Simon? What is Tori's supernatural "power"? Is Rae really supernatural at all? Why were the people of Lyle House collecting supernatural kids and how were they getting away with it? And most importantly, how was Chloe going to escape and find her new friends? Guess I'll just have to wait till I can get my hands on the second book, The Awakening...
This book is good for young-adults and up, and a pretty good scary-story. I can't really compare this book to anything I've read so far, for it is a pretty unique read. I give this book five stars for the quality of writing, five for the originality of the story-line, and two for the number of days it took me to read it. Overall it was a four star read.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
Warning: spoiler alert!
So the story starts off with a girl named Chloe Saunders. She is just a little girl in the beginning, and she sees people in her basement, and they scare her. Her mom said that she wouldn't have to go in the basement anymore, but when she hears her babysitter calling her into the basement, she knows she has to go. So she reluctantly goes into the basement to find her babysitter, only to find out that it was not her babysitter who was calling her down there. It was an evil spirit that she is terrified of. The story trails off into the next chapter here, and she's fifteen, in her bed, and that had all been a nightmare. She shakes it off and goes to school, only things are different, weird. On the way to school she sees a man go in the middle of the street, only the man who was driving her to school didn't see anything. When she gets to school, she thinks this is just another day, but is very surprised when she finally and unexpectedly hits puberty (she starts her period, if you must know). While she's in the bathroom, she hears things: a girl crying in the next stall. But there is no one there. When she exits the bathroom, a man in a custodian's uniform calls her to him. But his face is all wrong, burned looking and gruesome. The man chases her around the school, shouting that he just wants to talk, but she's scared and keeps running, even when she hears a teacher yelling at her to stop. She finds herself at a dead end, with nowhere else to go. She opens a window, but realizes that she is too high up to jump out. Just then the principal catches up to her and sees her by the window. He thinks she is going to jump, and a teacher decides to tackle her down, so she can't jump. She squirms and lashes out at the teacher, because the man with the burnt face is there, in her face, yelling that he just wants to talk, and the teacher holds her down until an ambulance arrives and sedates her. She wakes up in the hospital, where her aunt is waiting for her to wake. Her mother died when she was little, so her aunt was like a mother to her. Her aunt proceeds to tell her that the school has ordered her to get help, and that she will be staying at Lyle House, a group home for troubled teens, for two weeks. Once there, the Psychiatrist who is a evaluating her decides that she is Schizophrenic, and needs to take medication to treat it. But weird things are happening at Lyle House: her roommate thinks she has a poltergeist, and when Chloe tries to tell her that she can't really see ghosts (Liz wanted her to get rid of her poltergeist for her), she gets angry and things start falling and being thrown all around her, without Liz even moving a muscle. Liz gets "transferred" that night, because the nurse in the home caught her "throwing" things. But her roommate Liz isn't the only weird thing going on in Lyle House: there are two brothers who aren't blood related, one was there because of a violent incident in which he protected his brother, and the other didn't even have a file, was only there to be with his brother. There was a girl named Tori who had dangerous mood-swings and tries to kill Chloe, and also a girl named Rae who claimed the ability to burn people with her bare hands. Chloe at first is convinced that she is Schizophrenic, but Derek (the brother with the violent background) lets her in on the supernatural world, and she learns that she is a Necromancer, someone who can communicate with, and raise the dead. Simon (the other brother) wants to run away to find his missing father, but doesn't want to leave his brother Derek alone, and Chloe convinces him that she and Rae would run away with him, and Derek would join them later if he were to be in danger, so they scout-out a plan to escape. But something is wrong with Derek: he wasn't there when the big escape arrives. So Chloe instructs Simon and Rae to go without her, and that she would meet up with them once she finds Derek and makes sure he's alright. But when she finds him, he's squirming on the ground and changing in ways she thought not possible. He is a werewolf. They finally make their escape, but things get even weirder: the nurses from Lyle House are after them, and shooting at them with tranquilizer guns. Chloe from then-on-out is separated from the brothers, betrayed by someone she loved, and captured by the strange people of Lyle House, and has to call the help of a friend she hoped she was wrong about: her old roommate Liz, who is dead. The story ends there, the perfect cliff-hanger. What I want to know, is how did Liz die exactly? Or better-yet, why was she killed? What happened to Derek and Simon? What is Tori's supernatural "power"? Is Rae really supernatural at all? Why were the people of Lyle House collecting supernatural kids and how were they getting away with it? And most importantly, how was Chloe going to escape and find her new friends? Guess I'll just have to wait till I can get my hands on the second book, The Awakening...
This book is good for young-adults and up, and a pretty good scary-story. I can't really compare this book to anything I've read so far, for it is a pretty unique read. I give this book five stars for the quality of writing, five for the originality of the story-line, and two for the number of days it took me to read it. Overall it was a four star read.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
book review,
four stars,
kelley armstrong,
scary story,
the summoning
Saturday, October 31, 2009
All Hallows Eve
Okay, so we all just now got done putting all the decorations away, and I, am, pooped. I was a Dminted fairy (duh), so I was running around in my costume the whole time like a mad woman, and that can be very tiring. The funny thing was, I kept saying to people, "happy Easter!" or "happy Christmas!" and no one got it. I was a Dminted fairy, so naturally, the things that came out of my mouth were Dminted (and yeah, I know dminted is really spelled demented, but that's just not dminted enough, so I spelled it differently).
...No one is any fun...
So anyway, we saw a guy dressed up as Where's Waldo, and pointed at him and yelled, "I found Waldo!" and every time I saw him again (which was a lot), I yelled it again, and again, and again. But I didn't annoy him at all, because he was a first-grade teacher. Anyway, Mr. Whiskers (who dressed up as a demon cat named Mr. Snuggles) and my brother and I all got to talking to Waldo (not his real name, obviously), and we convinced him to watch our movie on youtube. He thought it was hilarious, naturally. Also, I didn't get to take pictures myself, but my brother took some, so I'll have to make him email them to me, and then I can put them up and show everyone reading my blog.
Blog ya later, and happy Hanukkah, Miss Eccentric.
...No one is any fun...
So anyway, we saw a guy dressed up as Where's Waldo, and pointed at him and yelled, "I found Waldo!" and every time I saw him again (which was a lot), I yelled it again, and again, and again. But I didn't annoy him at all, because he was a first-grade teacher. Anyway, Mr. Whiskers (who dressed up as a demon cat named Mr. Snuggles) and my brother and I all got to talking to Waldo (not his real name, obviously), and we convinced him to watch our movie on youtube. He thought it was hilarious, naturally. Also, I didn't get to take pictures myself, but my brother took some, so I'll have to make him email them to me, and then I can put them up and show everyone reading my blog.
Blog ya later, and happy Hanukkah, Miss Eccentric.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
They took the moo out of milk!
Okay, so I don't know if you all have seen the news lately, but according to it (the news), kids are vitamin D deficient, which when you think about it, it's all their fault!!! Because first of all, everyone is afraid to be out in the sun because they think they'll get sun cancer, but really, it's all in moderation. As long as you don't sit out there in the sun and let yourself get burnt to a crisp, you'll be fine. Now, I'm not saying that sitting in the sun at all is something that you must do, because I don't do that, and I'm fine. But I'm just saying, it wouldn't kill people to spend a little time outside, especially if you take precautions, like putting sun block on before you go out in the sun (duh!). The second reason it is all the news people's fault (or the government, really), is milk: when they pasteurize milk, they are not only taking the bad stuff out, they are also taking all the good stuff as well. Vitamin D being one of the good things. And the funniest part about pasteurization? Once they're done, they then proceed in putting all the good stuff back into the milk, only it's not as good when it's man-made like that. And the suckiest (yes, I know that's not a real word) part? It is illegal to drink milk strait from a cow. Yeah, if you own a cow and milk it yourself, you can drink that. But you can't give it to anyone else, or sell it to anyone. Which is stupid, because un-pasteurized milk is better for you than pasteurized milk is. Hell, the un-pasteurized stuff actually helps you lose weight, and although pastorized milk does too, it's not the same. The un-pastorized stuff is all-around better for you, and I wish we were allowed to buy it in stores, and at least have the choice to drink it if we want to. I think there's some kind of conspiracy here, one where the government doesn't want us drinking regular cow's milk. Because they don't want us to be healthy. Or, because they want to scare us with the news by saying that our kids need more vitamin D, and therefore we will go out and buy more vitamins, and give them all our money by paying tax on the vitamin supplements, and then they will use all that money to take over the world!!! Ooh, or better yet! They want us to drink only the pasteurized milk because when they are putting all the vitamins back, they also put a chemical that works like mind control, making us do things that they want us to do, like giving them all our money, and then using it to take over the world!!! Or, maybe they're taking our money from the tax's that we pay to buy things like vitamin supplements, and using mind control with the stuff they put in pasteurized milk, and coupling it all together to take over the world!!!...
...Anyway, just wanted to add that I have my Aunt and Uncle, Mary and Walt here with us, and they will be staying till Sunday, the day after Halloween. Which is awesome, 'cause we are going to have a full house this Halloween, and everyone is going to get to see all the really cool decorations that we have set up. I think that on Halloween day, when we have everything set up completely, I might take a few pictures, and then I'll post them here on my blog, and anyone reading said awesome blog will get to see how cool the decorations really are. I can hardly wait till Saturday!
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. I might not blog tomorrow, or the next day, depending on how busy I will be, and how late I will get a chance to go to bed. But we'll see.
...Anyway, just wanted to add that I have my Aunt and Uncle, Mary and Walt here with us, and they will be staying till Sunday, the day after Halloween. Which is awesome, 'cause we are going to have a full house this Halloween, and everyone is going to get to see all the really cool decorations that we have set up. I think that on Halloween day, when we have everything set up completely, I might take a few pictures, and then I'll post them here on my blog, and anyone reading said awesome blog will get to see how cool the decorations really are. I can hardly wait till Saturday!
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. I might not blog tomorrow, or the next day, depending on how busy I will be, and how late I will get a chance to go to bed. But we'll see.
pasteurized milk,
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Barbie Bridges
So you heard me talk about Pastor Melissa Scott a few blogs ago, right? (I did, really!) Okay, so my dad decided to look her up online, just to see what her past was. My mom and I were curious to see when she had married Dr. Scott, just because she looked so young, and Dr. Scott was sixty or something when he died. So we just wanted to know how old she was compared to Dr. Scott. So anyway, my dad found some interesting information on her, information that we all found quite shocking: Pastor Melissa Scott was in the pornography industry. Now, I know I said that she was a wonderful teacher, and I suggested that everyone who wanted to learn the bible watch her, but now I feel a little embarrassed, because what if someone typed in Pastor Melissa Scott, and came up with her past as Barbie Bridges? (In case you haven't figured it out, that was her pornography name) But even though I was shocked to hear of her past, and I do not condone what she did when she was younger, that was in her past, and I understand that. She has been "saved", and now she is teaching and leading others in the path of God, and that to me is enough to forgive and forget her past. I still think she is a wonderful teacher, and will continue to watch her, although I admit that I might look at her differently from now on...
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. The funny thing about this, is my mom (before we found out about Barbie Bridges) said that she could tell that Pastor Melissa Scott must have been a stripper, or pole-dancer when Dr. Scott found her, because she just had that "feisty librarian" look to her.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. The funny thing about this, is my mom (before we found out about Barbie Bridges) said that she could tell that Pastor Melissa Scott must have been a stripper, or pole-dancer when Dr. Scott found her, because she just had that "feisty librarian" look to her.
Barbie Bridges,
Dr. Scott,
Pastor Mellisa Scott,
Friday, October 23, 2009
You have got to be kidding me!
...Ugh...I'm so mad...
Alright, so the reason I'm quite pissed-off right now, is Mr. Whiskers didn't get to come over today, nor did he get to spend the night. This is why: his school sucks. Alright, so Mr. Whiskers goes to an artsy high school in the Long Beach Unified School District, and they have a no-tolerance policy, and Mr. Whiskers was accused of concealing a weapon. The weapon of choice: a nail file. He had asked a friend of his (a girl, but not "girlfriend") if he could borrow her nail file, the one that she was using in the open with no problems. She said that she would see him later, and he could give it back then. When he was done with it, he simply put it behind his ear, not realizing that his hair covered it completely and that would look suspicious. A teacher (or guidance councilor, I don't know all the details) stopped him in the hall, and asked him what was behind his ear. Mr. Whiskers froze, not sure what to say (not because he knew he was up to something and didn't want to get caught, but because he just wasn't thinking, and wanted to avoid getting in trouble, and that was just his first instinct) and the teacher (or whatever) reached for him, and he twitched a little (because a dude was reaching toward his face! Wouldn't you twitch a little if some guy was reaching toward your face?) and the teacher grabbed the nail file. The teacher claims that Mr. Whiskers was not only concealing a weapon, but because he flinched at the teacher slightly, he also was "resisting" the teacher, and therefore he got in even more trouble. Well, needless to say, Mr. Whiskers got suspended for two school days, which the school thinks is "taking it easy on him", because concealing a weapon was supposed to be three days suspension ("you have a clean record, so we'll just give you two days"). And get this, he was going to get only four days of detention, but the stupid teacher-guy looked up the rules in his little book, and gave him the suspension instead. And you know what really pisses me off? Not that my best bud since I was four got suspended from school for two days, when he is just now starting to like to go to school and is getting really good grades and now is going to miss two days because of said two day suspension, and not because my best bud since I was four didn't get to come over and spend the night and finish our second movie, but because the school system is discriminatory, and sexist, and I'm sure racist as well. Because if a girl has a nail file with her at school, that's okay. But if a boy happens to have a nail file with him at school, he is concealing a weapon, and therefore gets suspended for two days. Ugh...this is pissing me off a lot...I don't know if I can get over this...
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. This is a message for the lovely little school that Mr. Whiskers goes to (not for two days though! *sarcasm*): Screw you, and if Mr. Whiskers' grades suffer dramatically because of you, I hope you get the Swine Flu! So, pthdthdththththththththth!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that's a zurbert)
Alright, so the reason I'm quite pissed-off right now, is Mr. Whiskers didn't get to come over today, nor did he get to spend the night. This is why: his school sucks. Alright, so Mr. Whiskers goes to an artsy high school in the Long Beach Unified School District, and they have a no-tolerance policy, and Mr. Whiskers was accused of concealing a weapon. The weapon of choice: a nail file. He had asked a friend of his (a girl, but not "girlfriend") if he could borrow her nail file, the one that she was using in the open with no problems. She said that she would see him later, and he could give it back then. When he was done with it, he simply put it behind his ear, not realizing that his hair covered it completely and that would look suspicious. A teacher (or guidance councilor, I don't know all the details) stopped him in the hall, and asked him what was behind his ear. Mr. Whiskers froze, not sure what to say (not because he knew he was up to something and didn't want to get caught, but because he just wasn't thinking, and wanted to avoid getting in trouble, and that was just his first instinct) and the teacher (or whatever) reached for him, and he twitched a little (because a dude was reaching toward his face! Wouldn't you twitch a little if some guy was reaching toward your face?) and the teacher grabbed the nail file. The teacher claims that Mr. Whiskers was not only concealing a weapon, but because he flinched at the teacher slightly, he also was "resisting" the teacher, and therefore he got in even more trouble. Well, needless to say, Mr. Whiskers got suspended for two school days, which the school thinks is "taking it easy on him", because concealing a weapon was supposed to be three days suspension ("you have a clean record, so we'll just give you two days"). And get this, he was going to get only four days of detention, but the stupid teacher-guy looked up the rules in his little book, and gave him the suspension instead. And you know what really pisses me off? Not that my best bud since I was four got suspended from school for two days, when he is just now starting to like to go to school and is getting really good grades and now is going to miss two days because of said two day suspension, and not because my best bud since I was four didn't get to come over and spend the night and finish our second movie, but because the school system is discriminatory, and sexist, and I'm sure racist as well. Because if a girl has a nail file with her at school, that's okay. But if a boy happens to have a nail file with him at school, he is concealing a weapon, and therefore gets suspended for two days. Ugh...this is pissing me off a lot...I don't know if I can get over this...
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. This is a message for the lovely little school that Mr. Whiskers goes to (not for two days though! *sarcasm*): Screw you, and if Mr. Whiskers' grades suffer dramatically because of you, I hope you get the Swine Flu! So, pthdthdththththththththth!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that's a zurbert)
Mr. Whiskers (my best bud) is coming over tomorrow (actually today because it's past midnight) to spend the night! And who knows, we might actually have enough time to finish (or maybe almost finish) the second movie! I think we have just about every scene already filmed for Really Stupid Sequel, we may just have a few little scenes left, and then all we have to do is have Greatergood (my big bro) edit it and post it on youtube. I hope we get it done so we can have it up within the next few days. Also, later today (when it's actually day time and not one o'clock) we are going to finish the huge spiderweb in front of our house officially, and I will be posting some pictures of it, and maybe even a video, if I can get everyone out of my way long enough to film from one side of it to the next. Well, got to go, I need to check my email, then get myself into my room so I can get to my nightly reading (got to finish another book so I can write another review!).
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I just finished the book I was reading last night, and I got to thinking: what if I started to write book reviews whenever I finish a new book? You see, I've been having a little trouble thinking of new subjects to blog about lately, so this can help solve that problem, plus it will be fun to write a little about books that I read, since that is such a big part of my life, and one of my favorite pass-times (reading, that is). So this is a small book review of the book I finished last night, called "Shiver", by Maggie Stiefvater.
Warning: spoiler-alert!
The book "Shiver" is essentially a love story. It's about two young people who fall in love, and then have to fight to keep hold of that love. The thing about Maggie Stiefvater is that her writing is quite unique in a sense. She switches back and forth through the two main character's point-of-views, giving us a look into both of their minds throughout the story. It's quite interesting, really. The story starts out with background on how the two main characters, Grace and Sam, initially met, seeing it through mostly Graces eyes at first. Grace was attacked by wolves when she was a little girl, and Sam (a wolf), first saw her then. While the other wolves in his pack were biting her, he watched, infatuated by this young girl who neither squirmed nor screamed as the wolves bit at her, tearing her skin. And likewise, Grace was infatuated by this beautiful wolf with bright yellow eyes who stayed by the sidelines. Needless to say, Sam couldn't just watch, so he decided to save her. How he did this, was because he was not just any wolf: he was a werewolf. So he changed into his human form and carried her to safety. Years later (our characters are now in their late teens), both Sam and Grace are practically obsessed with each other. Although not in the way you might think. Sam is a wolf during winter, and can only change to his human form when it's hot out, meaning in the summer, so he sits and watches at the edge of the woods, overlooking Grace's home, and Grace herself goes outside every day just to watch him, for she doesn't yet know what exactly he is. She just thinks he is a mere wolf, whom she can not get her mind off. One fateful night, hunters go through her wolve's woods, and she simply can't let her yellow eyed wolf get hurt. So she goes into the woods and stops the hunters, although she is too late: she heard a gunshot and she knew in her heart that it was her wolf that had gotten shot. She gets to her house and finds something she never thought possible: a naked man on her back porch, with a gunshot wound on his neck, and bright yellow eyes. She saves him, and after that, of course he tells her everything (at least everything she didn't figure out herself), and they fall in love. Only there is one problem, that being that the wolf inside Sam is trying to take him over. Werewolves in this story change in the winter, and change back in the summer, but the real problem here is not that it's almost winter, but that after a certain amount of time (twenty or so years for most werewolves, but significantly less for Sam), every werewolf just stops changing back to human form altogether, permanently stuck in their wolf forms until they die, even in the heat. And this is Sam's last year as human. Winter is fast coming, the cold penetrating everything, gnawing at Sam and reminding him that he had hardly any (surly not enough) time left with his precious Grace. Now they both have to fight everyday just to keep Sam human, not letting him outside unless Grace has heated the car before he leaves the house. But the cold is too much, and he knows he can't last, even with the heater in Graces car and the heater in her home, where he has been staying since she saved him. And when a newly changing young werewolf (constantly changing from human to wolf unstably, no matter the weather) decides Grace has a cure for this "condition" (she never changed after she was bitten as a child), he takes it to the extreme and locks Sam away somewhere too cold for his human body to handle. Now Grace has to rush to save him, to warm him up before he changes for good, because if he does, she knows he won't be able to change back again, no matter how hot she gets him. But when she saves him, she happens to accidentally crash her car, braking the windshield and letting in the cold, losing her love forever to the majestic wolf that is his other half. But she thinks she has found a cure, and now has to figure a way out to administer it into him without killing him. But that's not all, she must also figure out a way to change him back, or the cure will do nothing but make the wolf sick, and kill him. Now, I don't think I want to tell you anything more, just so you have to read it yourself to get the ending. Also, keep in mind that this is not a short story of the book, and I have only told you the biggest details to the story, and none of the personal ones. Therefore you must read the book to really get the story, and the personalities of the main characters. I enjoyed this book immensely, and although she tied it up nicely at the end, I hope that Maggie Stiefvater decides to write a second book some day, though I don't know how she would keep it going. I very much recommend this book to readers teen and up, and can compare it to something like "Need", by Carrie Jones (another blog, for another time), because it's an epic love story with the supernatural mixed in, creating the perfect blend of young love and adventure. I must warn you though, there is one spot in the book (a little more than half way through) that is definitely for adult eyes only, if you catch my drift. Although it's not as bad as some of the "adult" related parts I've seen in other books, and it faded at the perfect time, not giving any of the dirty little details. It was tastefully written, and I have even suggested to my own mom that she would like it. I give this book five stars for the quality of writing, five for the originality of the story line, and three for the speed in which I read it. Overall a four star read.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
Warning: spoiler-alert!
The book "Shiver" is essentially a love story. It's about two young people who fall in love, and then have to fight to keep hold of that love. The thing about Maggie Stiefvater is that her writing is quite unique in a sense. She switches back and forth through the two main character's point-of-views, giving us a look into both of their minds throughout the story. It's quite interesting, really. The story starts out with background on how the two main characters, Grace and Sam, initially met, seeing it through mostly Graces eyes at first. Grace was attacked by wolves when she was a little girl, and Sam (a wolf), first saw her then. While the other wolves in his pack were biting her, he watched, infatuated by this young girl who neither squirmed nor screamed as the wolves bit at her, tearing her skin. And likewise, Grace was infatuated by this beautiful wolf with bright yellow eyes who stayed by the sidelines. Needless to say, Sam couldn't just watch, so he decided to save her. How he did this, was because he was not just any wolf: he was a werewolf. So he changed into his human form and carried her to safety. Years later (our characters are now in their late teens), both Sam and Grace are practically obsessed with each other. Although not in the way you might think. Sam is a wolf during winter, and can only change to his human form when it's hot out, meaning in the summer, so he sits and watches at the edge of the woods, overlooking Grace's home, and Grace herself goes outside every day just to watch him, for she doesn't yet know what exactly he is. She just thinks he is a mere wolf, whom she can not get her mind off. One fateful night, hunters go through her wolve's woods, and she simply can't let her yellow eyed wolf get hurt. So she goes into the woods and stops the hunters, although she is too late: she heard a gunshot and she knew in her heart that it was her wolf that had gotten shot. She gets to her house and finds something she never thought possible: a naked man on her back porch, with a gunshot wound on his neck, and bright yellow eyes. She saves him, and after that, of course he tells her everything (at least everything she didn't figure out herself), and they fall in love. Only there is one problem, that being that the wolf inside Sam is trying to take him over. Werewolves in this story change in the winter, and change back in the summer, but the real problem here is not that it's almost winter, but that after a certain amount of time (twenty or so years for most werewolves, but significantly less for Sam), every werewolf just stops changing back to human form altogether, permanently stuck in their wolf forms until they die, even in the heat. And this is Sam's last year as human. Winter is fast coming, the cold penetrating everything, gnawing at Sam and reminding him that he had hardly any (surly not enough) time left with his precious Grace. Now they both have to fight everyday just to keep Sam human, not letting him outside unless Grace has heated the car before he leaves the house. But the cold is too much, and he knows he can't last, even with the heater in Graces car and the heater in her home, where he has been staying since she saved him. And when a newly changing young werewolf (constantly changing from human to wolf unstably, no matter the weather) decides Grace has a cure for this "condition" (she never changed after she was bitten as a child), he takes it to the extreme and locks Sam away somewhere too cold for his human body to handle. Now Grace has to rush to save him, to warm him up before he changes for good, because if he does, she knows he won't be able to change back again, no matter how hot she gets him. But when she saves him, she happens to accidentally crash her car, braking the windshield and letting in the cold, losing her love forever to the majestic wolf that is his other half. But she thinks she has found a cure, and now has to figure a way out to administer it into him without killing him. But that's not all, she must also figure out a way to change him back, or the cure will do nothing but make the wolf sick, and kill him. Now, I don't think I want to tell you anything more, just so you have to read it yourself to get the ending. Also, keep in mind that this is not a short story of the book, and I have only told you the biggest details to the story, and none of the personal ones. Therefore you must read the book to really get the story, and the personalities of the main characters. I enjoyed this book immensely, and although she tied it up nicely at the end, I hope that Maggie Stiefvater decides to write a second book some day, though I don't know how she would keep it going. I very much recommend this book to readers teen and up, and can compare it to something like "Need", by Carrie Jones (another blog, for another time), because it's an epic love story with the supernatural mixed in, creating the perfect blend of young love and adventure. I must warn you though, there is one spot in the book (a little more than half way through) that is definitely for adult eyes only, if you catch my drift. Although it's not as bad as some of the "adult" related parts I've seen in other books, and it faded at the perfect time, not giving any of the dirty little details. It was tastefully written, and I have even suggested to my own mom that she would like it. I give this book five stars for the quality of writing, five for the originality of the story line, and three for the speed in which I read it. Overall a four star read.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
book review,
four stars,
love story,
Maggie Stiefvater,
Monday, October 19, 2009
You go to hell, you go to hell and you die!!!
Okay, so I have been procrastinating slightly on writing this post, because I know I have a lot to say about this, and I don't want to be here all day (oh well, I can try). So the subject today, is church. I am a Christian, although I don't really like to put a label on it, considering the fact that I don't believe in some (a lot, really) of the things that Christian's say and do. For instance, if you don't go to church, you're going to hell (what?!). This is stupid to me, since church can be anywhere. My church is in my home, with my Bible and a few other research books on the word of God, and maybe Pastor Melissa Scott on the TV (more on that later). Church to me is a place of refuge, a place where I can be comfortable, a place where I can research the word of God without interruption, or corruption. Take Calvary Chapel for instance: they have snack bars inside the chapel, where we are supposed to be worshiping our God. Now, I only went to Calvary Chapel twice before I couldn't stand being there anymore, so I could be full of crap (I don't think I am), but when I was there, and when I heard what was going on from my brother after I stopped going, all I was thinking was, "I wish I could go there and yell at all of them...". In Matthew 21:12, it says, "Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves." This is only one translation, but you get the point. And the point is, when Jesus saw that the church was selling doves and what-not inside the house of God, he was angry. Because it was disrespectful, to be selling wares inside the house of his Father. And in my opinion, that is exactly what Calvary is doing, and it's wrong. It just makes me want to go in the church and overturn their tables and yell, "It is written, 'my house will be called a house of prayer', but you are making it a 'den of robbers'", just as Jesus had said, and then maybe they would get it. As you can see, I get quite bunched up about this kind of thing, so I'll move on to another subject. Like, "AC DC is the devil!". Calvary said that, not me. They seem to think that the band AC DC is satanic, and to me, that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. They think that the "AC" in "AC DC" stands for "anti-christ", which is just stupid. They don't know the people in that band personally, so they can't just assume something like that without proof. Anyway, now I would like to bring up the Mary-Magdalene-being-a-prostitute, thing. Everyone always talks about Mary Magdalene being a prostitute, but that is not true. It does not say anywhere in the Bible that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. Yes, it does tell a story of how Jesus had saved a prostitute named Mary, but mention of her last name is nowhere in there, and at the time, Mary was a very common name for women. Now that we've got that strait, let's change the subject once more, huh? I watch Pastor Melissa Scott (see? Told ya I'd get to it) on TV sometimes, and if you want to learn the word of the Bible, then I suggest you do the same. What makes me want to suggest her to people who would like to learn the word of God, is the fact that she tells it how it is, not how King James or whoever else tells us how it is. She is a translator, and she knows all the no-longer (at least to us American's) spoken languages of the Bible. She translates the bible exactly how it reads, and then interprets it from there. The only difference between her translations and the men who originally translated the book to English, is she does not interpret the meanings of the ancient words the way she wants to, she interprets them in the most literal way possible, which is amazingly awesome to me, because some of the men who translated the Bible may have used it as a chance to get what they wanted the meaning of the stories those men once wrote down into the Bible without us knowing, without us questioning their words. And really, who's to say that everything in the Bible is correct to begin with? I mean, it was written by men, not God himself. And I do think that some of the Bible is accurate, but not all. Because what if some of those men were corrupt in their thinking, and therefore wrote what they wanted to be true, whatever they wanted that would help them in their lives. And Pastor Scott helps me ween-out the lies, so I can know what is true, and what is merely the word of a man, just a man who wrote what he wanted, twisted the truth to get something out of it. And I like to know the truth about what the Bible really says, and she shows you exactly how she translates it, and how she came to the conclusion of what she thinks that verse means. Which is good, because everyone in my opinion should question the word of God, or rather, the word of man, because God would want us to be smart, and it is not smart to just blindly trust a man's word. Because faith should be reserved for God, not for selfish humans. Now that I have gotten my point across, I think I should end here. Although I must tell you, I have much more to say on this subject, like how I think that if you are a good person, and you do good things, and you love and believe in God, and Jesus, and believe that he died for our sins, you've got a one-way ticket to heaven. Because that's all it's really about: Love. Love for God, love for his son who gave his life for us, love for others, and love for life. It's not about "who's the best Christian", or "who throws their hands up in the air at church to 'praise' God when listening to Christian music", either. It's just love, simple as that. If you have love in your heart, and act on that love, and compassion, you're not going to hell because you don't like to go to church.
Calvary Chapel's the devil! (Just kidding, that's a bit extreme)
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. Don't ya love the way I wrote in circles and somehow got back to the beginning of the blog?
Also, for those of you who might happen to actually like Calvary Chapel, pay careful attention to what I have said: if you think about it, you know it to be true. And who knows, if at least one person hears me, and my opinion, and agrees with me, then I have done some good. Because it can take only one person to change the ways of the church, if they set their minds to it.
Calvary Chapel's the devil! (Just kidding, that's a bit extreme)
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. Don't ya love the way I wrote in circles and somehow got back to the beginning of the blog?
Also, for those of you who might happen to actually like Calvary Chapel, pay careful attention to what I have said: if you think about it, you know it to be true. And who knows, if at least one person hears me, and my opinion, and agrees with me, then I have done some good. Because it can take only one person to change the ways of the church, if they set their minds to it.
Calvary Chapel,
Mary was not a prostitute
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I nearly died in the nude!!!
Today I'm feeling much better, so I've decided to blog about the last time there was an earthquake. My mom and I were getting out of the shower (okay, yeah, so we shower together sometimes. What of it? At least we're "saving the environment"), and we were drying off, and all of the sudden the cabinets began to shake violently, and then the floor moved underneath us, and my mom had to hold onto the handrail that we put up for our Nana, and I fell into her, and the next thing I know, the S-word slips out of my mom's mouth and then mine as well. Now, I pride myself in the fact that I don't cuss. The worst I do is Damn, or Crap, or Bastard, so saying the S-word out loud was quite embarrassing to say the least. But the S-word aside, the only thing my mom and I can both think of when the ground stopped shaking finally (after the laughing fit, of course), was:
We nearly died naked!
Okay, so maybe we didn't nearly die, but when we were holding on for dear-life those few seconds, thoughts like, "what if I died and the firemen came in here and found me naked? That would be a big laugh for them..." were running through my head. And I know firemen and paramedics and what-not must find people naked all the time, but just think about it: two women in a bathroom, butt-naked, buried in the rubble of a bathroom cabinet that had fallen on them. Wouldn't that be humorous? And embarrassing from the dead person's point of view? Anyway, this story has become a big joke between my mom and I, and every time we happen to take a shower together, we always tease, "careful, we might cause another earthquake, and then we'll really die naked this time!" (sarcasm is my friend...)
So be careful while showering in California, you might just die in an earthquake in the nude.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
We nearly died naked!
Okay, so maybe we didn't nearly die, but when we were holding on for dear-life those few seconds, thoughts like, "what if I died and the firemen came in here and found me naked? That would be a big laugh for them..." were running through my head. And I know firemen and paramedics and what-not must find people naked all the time, but just think about it: two women in a bathroom, butt-naked, buried in the rubble of a bathroom cabinet that had fallen on them. Wouldn't that be humorous? And embarrassing from the dead person's point of view? Anyway, this story has become a big joke between my mom and I, and every time we happen to take a shower together, we always tease, "careful, we might cause another earthquake, and then we'll really die naked this time!" (sarcasm is my friend...)
So be careful while showering in California, you might just die in an earthquake in the nude.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
fluffy pillow,
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Catch up
Eeek! I am soo sorry I haven't blogged! I mean, I know it's only been, like, four days or something, but that's unusual for me. The reason I haven't blogged is that I'm sick...Don't worry, it's not the Swine-flu or anything, it's just a cold. But I just haven't felt like blogging because I have a sore throat, and plus, my family and I have been working on a lot of Halloween decorating. You see, we're very big on Halloween. We are the biggest decorators in our neighborhood, and we always have this huge spiderweb in the front of our house. And it gets bigger every year. Last year it went front our house, across the yard to the big tree, back to the house, and then to the streetlight pole, but this year, we have it going from our house, to the light post, to the house, to the tree, to the house again, and finally to the electric post. And last year we had a slight tunnel effect going on when you walked through the sidewalk to get to the front porch, but it was more of an archway, so this year we actually have a tunnel that goes the full length of our yard. It, is, awesome!!! We have a few more things to do to it before we can call it done, but expect a few photos of the web soon. Also, my friend Mr. Whiskers came to visit the other day, and he gave me a good practical joke, so here it is:
(I'm going to explain this as instructions, because it would be very difficult to try and trick you when you can read it as much as you want)
So it starts off with a piece of paper. On the paper you write:
You have to write exactly as shown, otherwise the person you're trying this joke on might catch on. You take the now-written-on piece of paper and give it to a friend and/or family member, and say, "I want you to read this, but in front of every word, I want you to add the word, 'cows'."
It will go something like this (if they get it right...you might have to explain a little):
"Cows cows,
Cows about,
Cows talking,
Cows idiot,
Cows this,
Cows got,
Cows I,
Cows long,
Cows how,
Cows look."
Once they're done with that, tell them, "now, I want you to read this again, but after each word, I want you to add the word, 'cows'."
It will go like this:
"Cows cows,
About cows,
Talking cows,
Idiot cows,
This cows,
Got cows,
I cows,
Long cows,
How cows,
Look cows."
If your friend has not lost interest by now, then you now convince them to do it one more time. Only this time, you say, "now I want you to say it one more time, but this time before and after each word I want you to add the word 'cows'."
It will go like this:
"Cows cows cows,
Cows about cows,
Cows talking cows,
Cows idiot cows,
Cows this cows,
Cows got cows,
Cows I cows,
Cows long cows,
Cows how cows,
Cows look cows."
Now, if your friend still has not figured it out, you go on to say, "now I want you to read the piece of paper from the bottom up." And try not to laugh at them, or they might catch on finally.
It will go like this:
(That's just the writing on the piece of paper starting from the bottom up)
Mr. Whiskers tried this joke on my brother, and it worked. Hope you enjoy, and use it wisely!
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
(I'm going to explain this as instructions, because it would be very difficult to try and trick you when you can read it as much as you want)
So it starts off with a piece of paper. On the paper you write:
You have to write exactly as shown, otherwise the person you're trying this joke on might catch on. You take the now-written-on piece of paper and give it to a friend and/or family member, and say, "I want you to read this, but in front of every word, I want you to add the word, 'cows'."
It will go something like this (if they get it right...you might have to explain a little):
"Cows cows,
Cows about,
Cows talking,
Cows idiot,
Cows this,
Cows got,
Cows I,
Cows long,
Cows how,
Cows look."
Once they're done with that, tell them, "now, I want you to read this again, but after each word, I want you to add the word, 'cows'."
It will go like this:
"Cows cows,
About cows,
Talking cows,
Idiot cows,
This cows,
Got cows,
I cows,
Long cows,
How cows,
Look cows."
If your friend has not lost interest by now, then you now convince them to do it one more time. Only this time, you say, "now I want you to say it one more time, but this time before and after each word I want you to add the word 'cows'."
It will go like this:
"Cows cows cows,
Cows about cows,
Cows talking cows,
Cows idiot cows,
Cows this cows,
Cows got cows,
Cows I cows,
Cows long cows,
Cows how cows,
Cows look cows."
Now, if your friend still has not figured it out, you go on to say, "now I want you to read the piece of paper from the bottom up." And try not to laugh at them, or they might catch on finally.
It will go like this:
(That's just the writing on the piece of paper starting from the bottom up)
Mr. Whiskers tried this joke on my brother, and it worked. Hope you enjoy, and use it wisely!
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Blond Jokes
Here are a few funny blond jokes:
"How do you drown a blond? Just glue a mirror to the bottom of a pool."
"How do a blonds brain cells die? They die alone."
"What do you call a smart blond? A Labrador Retriever."
"A blond goes into a building, and goes up to the clerk at the counter, and says, 'I would like a burger, fries and a chocolate shake.' The clerk leans forward and says, 'ma'am, this is a library.' The blond looks confused, and then nods as it hits her. 'Oh!' she says, then lowers her voice to a whisper, 'I would like a burger, fries and a chocolate shake'."
"Three woman are stranded on an island, one blond, one brunette, and one red-headed. They manage to find a genie, and he says, 'I will grant each of you one wish, but be careful: I will not take them back.' The brunette raises to the occasion, getting to be the first to wish. 'I wish I were with my family.' and poof, she disappears. The red-head steps up next, and says, 'I wish a big boat would come and rescue me.' And poof, a boat appears, and she runs off and sails away, rescued at last. Now it's the blonds turn, and she steps up to the genie. 'gosh, it's lonely now...' She says, with a sad face. Then she perks up suddenly. 'I know! I wish my friends were here again.' And poof, the brunette and red-head appear again, stuck on the island once more..."
"Three blonds were walking through a forest when they came upon a set of tracks.
The first blond said, 'those are deer tracks.'
The second blond said, 'no, those are elk tracks.'
The third blond said, 'no, you're both wrong. Those are moose tracks.'
The blonds were still arguing when the train hit them."
"How do you keep a blond busy for hours?
Scroll down--->
<---Scroll up"
"What do you get when you put seven blonds in a freezer? Frosted Flakes."
"How to trouble a blond: Put a scratch and sniff at the bottom of a pool."
Anyway, I'll stop now or else we'll be here all day. Some of these jokes I have known for years, and some I have looked up and gotten from the internet. The first three at the top I got from the Twilight saga, but I've also seen them online, so it's not really like I'm stealing them. And don't worry, I'll do a blog for brunette jokes soon...
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
"How do you drown a blond? Just glue a mirror to the bottom of a pool."
"How do a blonds brain cells die? They die alone."
"What do you call a smart blond? A Labrador Retriever."
"A blond goes into a building, and goes up to the clerk at the counter, and says, 'I would like a burger, fries and a chocolate shake.' The clerk leans forward and says, 'ma'am, this is a library.' The blond looks confused, and then nods as it hits her. 'Oh!' she says, then lowers her voice to a whisper, 'I would like a burger, fries and a chocolate shake'."
"Three woman are stranded on an island, one blond, one brunette, and one red-headed. They manage to find a genie, and he says, 'I will grant each of you one wish, but be careful: I will not take them back.' The brunette raises to the occasion, getting to be the first to wish. 'I wish I were with my family.' and poof, she disappears. The red-head steps up next, and says, 'I wish a big boat would come and rescue me.' And poof, a boat appears, and she runs off and sails away, rescued at last. Now it's the blonds turn, and she steps up to the genie. 'gosh, it's lonely now...' She says, with a sad face. Then she perks up suddenly. 'I know! I wish my friends were here again.' And poof, the brunette and red-head appear again, stuck on the island once more..."
"Three blonds were walking through a forest when they came upon a set of tracks.
The first blond said, 'those are deer tracks.'
The second blond said, 'no, those are elk tracks.'
The third blond said, 'no, you're both wrong. Those are moose tracks.'
The blonds were still arguing when the train hit them."
"How do you keep a blond busy for hours?
Scroll down--->
<---Scroll up"
"What do you get when you put seven blonds in a freezer? Frosted Flakes."
"How to trouble a blond: Put a scratch and sniff at the bottom of a pool."
Anyway, I'll stop now or else we'll be here all day. Some of these jokes I have known for years, and some I have looked up and gotten from the internet. The first three at the top I got from the Twilight saga, but I've also seen them online, so it's not really like I'm stealing them. And don't worry, I'll do a blog for brunette jokes soon...
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
My brother is HOW old?
Twenty. My big brother is twenty years old as of today. It was bad enough when he turned eighteen, but now he's only a year away from the legal drinking age. It's weird, because now he's really old. He's like, ancient. Well, okay, maybe he's not that old, but it is strange. He's no-longer a teenager, which will be strange to get used to. Anyway, I don't want to dwell on the fact that his youthful days are over (ha ha!), so I'll just change the subject.
What is the appropriate age to stop the thing where you hit the birthday boy or girl the same amount of times as their age? You know, like today I get to hit my brother twenty times, and on my birthday he hit me eighteen times. But when does that stop? Does it stop after you turn twenty? Or sooner? Later? When, huh, when?!? Okay, so maybe it just doesn't ever stop. Maybe people just keep doing it until they have kids, and then they just do it to their kids instead of each other. Or maybe it stops when you turn eighteen, in which case, I have tortured my brother for two years unnecessarily (not that I'm complaining). So anyway, I took a break from this blog just a few minutes ago to go to Starbucks with my mom and dad, and when we got back, we decided to embarrass the crap out of my brother. He was in his room, talking to some of his friends online using a mic that he got as a present. My mom and I went in his room, and tried to talk into the mic, but he muted it so his friends couldn't hear him. So my mom and I acted like we left, closing a door loudly to make him think we were gone. When he started talking again, we counted to three, and both ran into his room yelling, "happy birthday!" really loudly and obnoxiously. Upon leaving the room again (laughing), we shouted, "we love you puddin'!" (that's the really embarrassing nick-name my mom gave him when he was little). He was definitely embarrassed. Was that cruel of us? To embarrass him in front of his friends, when he's twenty now? Anyway, I have four more punches to give him (I like to spread the birthday-hits out, so they last longer), so I should go. I need all the strength I can get, wahahahaha!
Happy Birthday, bro, and contrary to popular belief, I do love you (gag!).
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. Don't worry, compared to the birthday-punches that my brother gave me on my birthday, the ones I give him a quite mundane. You bruised my arm, you little booger! Don't deny it!
What is the appropriate age to stop the thing where you hit the birthday boy or girl the same amount of times as their age? You know, like today I get to hit my brother twenty times, and on my birthday he hit me eighteen times. But when does that stop? Does it stop after you turn twenty? Or sooner? Later? When, huh, when?!? Okay, so maybe it just doesn't ever stop. Maybe people just keep doing it until they have kids, and then they just do it to their kids instead of each other. Or maybe it stops when you turn eighteen, in which case, I have tortured my brother for two years unnecessarily (not that I'm complaining). So anyway, I took a break from this blog just a few minutes ago to go to Starbucks with my mom and dad, and when we got back, we decided to embarrass the crap out of my brother. He was in his room, talking to some of his friends online using a mic that he got as a present. My mom and I went in his room, and tried to talk into the mic, but he muted it so his friends couldn't hear him. So my mom and I acted like we left, closing a door loudly to make him think we were gone. When he started talking again, we counted to three, and both ran into his room yelling, "happy birthday!" really loudly and obnoxiously. Upon leaving the room again (laughing), we shouted, "we love you puddin'!" (that's the really embarrassing nick-name my mom gave him when he was little). He was definitely embarrassed. Was that cruel of us? To embarrass him in front of his friends, when he's twenty now? Anyway, I have four more punches to give him (I like to spread the birthday-hits out, so they last longer), so I should go. I need all the strength I can get, wahahahaha!
Happy Birthday, bro, and contrary to popular belief, I do love you (gag!).
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. Don't worry, compared to the birthday-punches that my brother gave me on my birthday, the ones I give him a quite mundane. You bruised my arm, you little booger! Don't deny it!
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