Welcome, to all of those insane enough to walk this blog!

As you might have noticed, this here blog is one big archive of the ramblings of an insane author. So insane, in fact, that I wouldn't be surprised if you went mad just reading said blog...Good luck ;)


I lied. This is not, in fact, a "directory" as the title above might suggest...This is merely a warning of what you might find on this blog. I believe I have already warned you of the insane ramblings archived in this blog, but I must say, if you are not prepared for the tomfooleries that can be found here, you might just want to close this tab, shut your computer down, and walk away slowly in order to keep your OWN sanity in check. Fair warning >;)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Argh...This is really pissing me off right now.

Alright, so I'm sure you've all had this conversation at least once, and now it's my turn. The subject? Gay marriage. Now, I have nothing against gays, nothing whatsoever. My family and I have known many people who were gay, and all of them were very nice people. In fact, they weren't any different from you or I. The only difference is their sexual preference, which has nothing to do with me in my opinion. And yeah, it says that being gay is a sin in the Bible, but it also says that Jesus died for our sins, so anyone who asks for forgiveness will be forgiven. So why would the church or anyone for that matter have a problem with gays? It's none of our business what they do behind closed doors, and it's also none of our business to judge anyone, because it also says in the Bible to leave judgment to God. So what's the problem? Some say that by allowing gay marriage to become legal, we are allowing our government to dictate what is right and wrong. But I say too late, they've been doing that for years. Longer than that, even. What about when marrying outside your race was illegal? Now they allow people of all colors to marry whoever the hell they want, and I think that's the right thing to do. We have freewill, and if our government took that away, that would be an act against God. Gays and lesbians are people too, and it's not our place to say whether or not they can love each other, and seal that love with a marriage. I mean, they're not hurting us, are they? No. Murderers are hurting us, and we should keep them all locked-up, but gays aren't doing anything to hurt anyone, so why continue to allow their love to be illegal?
Now, I'm not saying that I'm gay and that I agree with what they're doing. But my main point here is that we shouldn't have any say on whether or not it's right, and condemn them to hell without even taking into account whether they believe in God and ask for forgiveness. I mean, my brother spends a lot of time online, and he comes across gays who are Christian all the time. They know what the Bible says, but they believe that God will forgive them for their sins and allow them into heaven. And I agree with them. And it doesn't mean I'm necessarily on the gay's "side", it just means I'm on the side of humanity. I'm all-for the rights of a human to love another human.

Okay, so now that I've got my word out, please do not bite my head off and spit it back out with your own opinions attached. What I've said is only one person's opinion on a very controversial subject, and it doesn't matter what I've said anyway because my one vote won't count anyway. And if you happen to be gay, please do not take any offense to what I may have said that can be construed as "hateful" or "judgmental". I meant it only to express my feelings, and if you don't agree with what I've said, then just ignore me.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.


  1. Prejudices come in all forms, I truly believe that what one person does behind closed doors is their business as long as they do not break the law or hurt someone. I truly believe that everything you said is true and that no one should be able to tell you that your opinion is not yours, at least you;re thinking!
    I do agree that there are some sick people in the world however, gay humans are NOT! Gay humans are just people that for the most part work hard, take care of their homes, kids and families and just want to be left alone and treated the same as you and I.
    I do love my Gunkles with all of me and would never wish harm to any of them and would trust them with my kids over a lot of "straights" I know!!!!!!

  2. You go girl! Gays are humans too. And taking certain rights away from humans who are not harming anyone is just wrong. Good job getting your opinion out there, I'm proud to say that my Mum is a very outspoken woman who's not afraid to speak what's on her mind! Who do you think I learned it from?

  3. It sounds sanctimonious and pithy to say "hate the sin, but love the sinner!", however there is a point to that statement! As a Christian, you have the right to be indignant about the "moral decay" of our society, however the moment that you place one tiny bit of that negativity on a human being, you are committing a sin yourself! Jesus said that to call your brother a fool is the same as committing murder, so be careful not to judge others! I don't feel it should be the government's place to be in the business of morality. There are some things that can mislead our judgment and lead to injustices. Besides, what about all the fuss about keeping the state separate from the church? The government has already caused the spread of their chosen religion "Evilution", I think enough damage has been done.

  4. "Evilution", I love it. And really, this is my point: It is not our right to say that gay's are bad. It's God's right to judge, not ours.
