Welcome, to all of those insane enough to walk this blog!

As you might have noticed, this here blog is one big archive of the ramblings of an insane author. So insane, in fact, that I wouldn't be surprised if you went mad just reading said blog...Good luck ;)


I lied. This is not, in fact, a "directory" as the title above might suggest...This is merely a warning of what you might find on this blog. I believe I have already warned you of the insane ramblings archived in this blog, but I must say, if you are not prepared for the tomfooleries that can be found here, you might just want to close this tab, shut your computer down, and walk away slowly in order to keep your OWN sanity in check. Fair warning >;)

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Nothing conspiracy: Shall we continue to watch owls in a box, dancing dinosaurs and Shark Boys?

Not too long ago (when she was here), my Aunt (AKA BBB) left a link to Ustream on my Mum's Facebook. Well, when we clicked on it, it sent us to a live feed of an owl box, one with a mom (Molly), a dad (McGee), and four babies (Max, Pattison, Austin and Wesley). At the time, the babies were only wee little fellows, and they just sat around and bobbed their heads at the camera. Which for some reason was very endearing, and we just couldn't stop watching it. I mean, really. All we did was sit there by the computer together, and watch the owls sit there and do nothing. And it was during the day, so they really were just sitting there doing nothing (we even sat for at least five minutes waiting for one of them to cough up a seed). Now, I don't know about you, but don't ya think that would just be a big, boring waste of valuable time? You would think, wouldn't you? Well no, apparently people all over the world also like to sit around and watch owls do nothing as well. In fact, I have Ustream up in a tab now, and they are once again sitting around doing nothing but bob their cute little heads at the camera, and all the regulars are still watching. Granted, they're starting to get their feathers, and they're actually looking like owls now, and that's pretty neat to see, but really. It shouldn't be so damn interesting. It's like they're brain washing us, or something. You know, now that I think about it, it's kind of like those shows, or commercials, etc. that you really don't want to watch because it's really boring and really stupid, but you continue to sit there and watch it anyway. It melts your brain in a way that renders you immobile, and you just sit there staring at the TV and/or computer screen with a blank or disgusted look on your face. And there's nothing you can do about it, either! Even if someone comes in the room saying something like, "why are you watching that crap?", you still sit there and continue to watch. And do you know why you still sit there watching the brain melting program? Because the person who came to rescue you with the witty comment gets sucked in as well, rendering them useless in the "rescuing" department. In fact, a while back my mum and I got sucked into one of the Nothing shows (that's what I'll call them, 'cause they melt your brain until the only thoughts left are Nothing). My mum was flipping through the channels, and she happened to stop on the Hannah Montana show, and for some reason, we just could not stop watching it, no matter how much our brain tried to tell us that we really didn't like it. And one time, we sat for two hours or however long watching the movie Shark Boy and Lava Girl, which was even more stupid than Hannah Montana.
(Funny thing is, that was before the Twilight phenomenon, when the guy who plays Jacob was still dorky Shark Boy. And now girls everywhere think he's hot. Funny, huh?)
Ooh, or how about those commercials for Baskin-Robins? You know, the ones with all the ice cream cakes and the little dinosaurs and the super annoying jingle that just goes, "ice cream and cake, ice cream and cake, ICE CREAM AND CAKE, ICE CREAM AND CAKE, ICE CREAM AND CAKE!!!!!!!!!!" the whole bloody time (or something along those lines, I don't remember exactly how it goes, I just know it says ice cream and cake over and over)?? Yeah, that's a Nothing commercial, and it shares-the-joy at the same time. It's a two-fer. But not a win-win, that's for bloody-well sure.
It's almost like these people are all trying to brain wash us so we are oblivious to the happenings around us. So we don't stand and rise against them when they try to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!
(Come on, you had to know that one was coming.)
So anyway, do you have a Nothing show and/or commercial that sucks you in? Just curious. You know, 'cause I want to start cataloging which shows and commercials (or even songs and movies, for that matter) are Nothings, that way when they all try to take over the world, I'll have a list of Nothings that I know not to watch.
Or, I'm just being paranoid and in reality I just want to know so I either don't get stuck in it myself, or so I can use it against you when you least expect it, and then I can TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!
Just kidding. ...Sort of...
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. I really do like to sit here and ramble on and on about Nothing. I should do it more often again.


  1. Ice cream and cake ice cream and cake Ice Cream and Cake ICE CREAM AND CAKE I SCREAM AND CAKE!, just thought drive you to nothingness. I always love Jingle Bells in the dead of summer and you can't stop signing it, that will send you into nothingness in a blink of an eye. Love BBB

  2. Haha, so true! I can't stop whistling Christmas songs all year 'round for some reason, maybe because they're all Nothing songs. By the way, I like how you so subtly added "I SCREAM AND CAKE" into the annoying commercial jingle, "Ice cream and cake". It does make you want to scream, that's for sure!

  3. OK try this one on for size, after we got the new truck I realized what having no commercials
    was all about with the satellite radio, you can listen to songs or comedy without all the hypnotizing that goes with television. OMG the worst is, this thing called DVR stop and rewind live T.V., but then you want to do that to everything you see or hear anywhere, like BBB said something funny just rewind...oh crap you can't!!!!!! Those bastards I cant stand anymore STOP STOP STOP

  4. You are soooo right!!! I really wish I could rewind so many things...And not just funny things, everyday things as well! Is that bad of me to wish for?
