We had company over.
Well, okay maybe that's a stupid reason, 'cause I should have been able to blog anyway, but I didn't blog because they (BBB, that is) were here for a week and none of us wanted to just leave them sitting there alone, when they came to visit us in the first place. So we all had a blast together, without any blog-breaks. And yesterday, they left...But despite the bitter, I still managed to keep the day sweet!
My wonderful mum and dad took me to my very first book signing! It was awesome, too. My mum and dad and I went to Barnes and Noble, and bought Christopher Moore's new book (Bite Me: A Love Story), then proceeded to listen to him talk about it. Only he didn't really talk about it, in fact, he said himself, "what is there to talk about? It's a vampire book. That's it."
It was funny, 'cause it wasn't really what one might think of a book signing. It was more of a comedy routine about his life as an author, with some answers about his books thrown in at the end. Once he was done answering all the questions thrown at him by his fans, everyone was instructed into a line to get their books signed by him. The line moved quickly, and before I knew it, my dad and I were standing in front of him as he signed our books for us! We got two books personalized, which basically means that he signed them, and he wrote our names and a saying in them. One was his new book Bite Me, which he made out to my parents, saying "OMFG!" as the personal message in that book, and the second one (Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal) was made out to me, and it said, "blessings!" in it. Which was totally awesome. If I haven't said that enough yet.
But the best part yet? He was totally nice to us and totally funny. I mean, the funny part was not a surprise because his books always make me laugh out loud like a total idiot in public, but I didn't know what to expect in the "nice guy" department. But he was awesome. He even made a comment about my dad wearing the same type of hat as him, and that he liked it (he said that he could totally shop with my dad!). And he was totally jealous of my dad's IPhone cover. He liked that it was blue. He showed us his, and he said he wished he had the blue one instead of the gold one that he had. I personally liked the gold one, 'cause it was all, blingbling. I mean, that thing shined like no-tomorrow. It was like, "HIYA! I'M AN IPHONE, AND I AM SHINY!!!"
My mum even bragged at one point that I was going to be a writer, and he gave me some good advice (not going to tell you, teehee)!!! It, was, awesome! I can only pray that one day, if or when I become a semi-famous author myself, that I come off as cool and funny as he did to me. I can only pray that I can hang out with my fans like he did and not be so embarrassed that I turn as red as I did when talking to Mr. Moore yesterday. And I can only wish that a young, aspiring author will meet me and think that I'm really cool, just as I thought that Christopher Moore was cool.
And the part that's even better than the best part? We got to take some pictures with him! Which was really, really awesome. That's when he saw my dad's IPhone, 'cause one of the girls who worked at the book store took the picture with it. And you know what? It was (dare I say it yet again?) AWESOME!!!
Here's the photo taken by the girl who worked at the book store:

I'm the girl in the black shirt on the left, my dad is the Scottish looking guy in the blue and green striped shirt and the awesome hat on the right, and (obviously) Christopher Moore is the guy with the also-awesome hat and cocked head in the middle.
I can truly hardly wait to go to another book signing, and I don't even care who it is, really. Well, it had better be an author of a book I've read before, at least. Otherwise it wouldn't be very fun, now would it? I'm hoping that one day I'll have the chance to go to a book signing for Eoin Colfer (Christopher Moore: If you are reading, I am not cheating on you, if anything, I was cheating on Mr. Colfer by going to your book signing, since he does write my favoritest series ever, Artemis Fowl, thus making him my favorite author. Sorry).
And one more awesome thing: When Christopher was talking, he was saying how he developed the main character in his new book (a goth girl named Abby Normal), and he said that he went to a bunch of goth blogs to get the inspiration (because surprisingly, he said, a teenage goth girl's way of talking doesn't come naturally to him). He said that about three years or so ago when he was writing the first book, he found the voice of his character easily with the inspiration of these blogs, in which young people talked about their miserable lives in sort of elegant rants the approximate size of my own blogs. And then he said that when writing this third installment, he tried to go back to these blogs to get more inspiration, but they were gone, to be replaced by these short little things that only have two lines of illiterate crap. Which I find disturbing (but awesome that he noticed, and I'm not the only one that did). What is wrong with our young people today (people about my age) that they can't even string enough words together to actually sound like they're educated? It's not right, and if we keep this up, we will indeed become a bunch of illiterate idiots.
Anyway, I'll stop talking about our lack of writing skills these days now, just because if I continue, I'll ruin my awesome rant of happiness in going to my first book signing. Which was awesome.
By the way, did I mention that it was totally AWESOME?!!?!?!?!?! I'm not sure.
Blog ya later, Miss Eccentric.
P.S. Maybe in the future I should just hold off on blogging about book signings, because I have noticed a pattern of immaturity here that I'm not liking. I mean, how many times have I said "totally" or "awesome" or the two together in this blog? Too many to be properly educated. I swear, I never thought I'd be the type to get star-struck and all flustered and blushy (not a word, I know), but I guess I was wrong...Luckily for me, when my mum and the lady who worked there took the pictures, they happened to take them right before my embarrassingly bright-red Scottish-blood-blushing really got the chance to kick in. Which (again) is totally awesome.
Even adults get star struck, and don't beat yourself, you got this old lady to read again. So stay young, and I am TOT(ALLY) Happy for you, and it's AWESOME, that you got to meet one of your favorite authors. Love BBB
ReplyDeleteThanks! I think it's awesome that I got to meet a totally awesome author who I really like, and I'm just as glad that I got you back into reading. It's good to read, in my opinion. It keeps the mind sharp, and you always learn something new. And besides, getting away from life is a blast, especially when life is stressful and no fun (when life hands you a crappy day, read a book, I always say).
ReplyDeleteLove your use of "TOT(ALLY)", by the way.