Welcome, to all of those insane enough to walk this blog!

As you might have noticed, this here blog is one big archive of the ramblings of an insane author. So insane, in fact, that I wouldn't be surprised if you went mad just reading said blog...Good luck ;)


I lied. This is not, in fact, a "directory" as the title above might suggest...This is merely a warning of what you might find on this blog. I believe I have already warned you of the insane ramblings archived in this blog, but I must say, if you are not prepared for the tomfooleries that can be found here, you might just want to close this tab, shut your computer down, and walk away slowly in order to keep your OWN sanity in check. Fair warning >;)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

"Finding Me"...A Poem

Just a little something I did a while back...Thought I'd share it. Enjoy =)

"I walk alone along the beach,
Questions burning on my mind...
What may my maker choose to teach,
What answers may I find...?

Along the sand I travel,
My destination not here...
I allow my mind to marvel,
And find myself at a peer...

I find myself,
At the end of my journey...
I find myself,
And my heart screams for mercy...

Along again inside myself,
I search my mind and soul...
I keep my heart upon a shelf,
Never to use in full...

Inside the world my mind created,
A world without pain nor caring...
I find a piece of heart abated,
Cold and unflinching a perfect pairing...

But feelings of old always last,
A curse that always follows me...
To find the true me before my past,
A task unwillingly forced to be...

I turn my back to all things near,
And search again to find me...
Inside myself I know it's there,
Just wait and let it find me...

After all that done you can't deny me,
I've found who I am...
I know where I am now so let me be,
I know who I am, I found me."

Blog ya later,
Miss Eccentric

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